Chapter 26: If Anything Happens to You

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I could just have "Vote For Chrom" written on these posters, but that's way too simple. I can't really make a pun with my name, so that's out of the bag. "Chrom Wants You" is the very, very, last resort. Gods, what goes through Frederick's head? I should talk to my campaign committee, they'll know what to do... 

And by committee, I mean my girlfriend, Sumia, Cordelia, and Frederick.

They'd been a huge boon to my campaign, helping me with posters, advertising, organizing, and general moral support. My parents had been hands-off for the most part, which was idea; I didn't want anyone thinking foul play was involved in the election.

I could do everything from public speaking, writing said speeches, and sway others to join my cause, but I couldn't think of a slogan for the life of me. Had to have one flaw, I guess.

Gods, what are the chances of me even winning this? Primiliarty voting hasn't even started yet I'm freaking out. If I am elected, what the hell am I going to do? I have ideas, but am I even going to be able to execute them? What if people had them! This was a bad idea. I need to drop out of the running before-

"I'm hooome!" Lissa groaned, slamming the front door behind her.

I looked up from where I was sitting on the couch. "How were the cheer clinics?" Upon closer inspection, I saw that my younger sister was all sorts of disheveled, sweat dripping from her brow and pigtails all frizzy.

Now that the weather was fair, clinics for spring and summer activities began. Anna's Guard clinics would start up pretty soon, along with Drumline. Since she was an ongoing freshman, Lissa was allowed to attend the cheerleading clinics. She was absolutely overjoyed as I drove her to them, but now...well, I assumed I would find out what the hell happened.

She flopped down on the couch next to me, letting out another dramatic groan. "I regret my life choices."

"How so?"

"There was more talking than there was actual practicing! Those girls wouldn't shut up!" she complained, beginning to undo her pigtails.

Ah, yes. Sumia and Cordelia are constantly complaining about that. Well, since they'll be seniors next year, hopefully they can take charge. 

"And the practice itself was...well, interesting." She sat up, hair now completely down. "I was the smallest one there and some of the girls wanted to throw me in the air. I know that's something they have to do - and I honestly expected it, since I'm a literal toothpick - but not on my first day! I said no, obviously, but the older girls said some pretty mean things and made me do it anyway. I was terrified the whole time! I was sure they were going to drop me!"

That got my full attention. "Where was the coach during all of this?" I frowned. I swear to the gods, when I find out who hurt my baby sister...

"She wasn't there. It was run by the graduating seniors."

Deep down, I could feel Anna twitching in fury. She was quite familiar with bossy seniors, that's for sure.

"What about Sumia and Cordelia?"

Lissa tucked her knees to her chest, suddenly appearing smaller. "They tried to stop it, and were there to comfort me afterward, but they were just as powerless as me," she sighed, voice wobbling. "They said they're going to talk to the coach, but I'm still really shaken up about it."

"And reasonably so." I gestured for her to turn around so I could start braiding her hair. Ever since she was a little kid, Lissa always felt the most comfortable when someone was dealing with her hair. I've probably spent hours of my life comforting her like this; and so, it was like clockwork.

"How did you do with the other aspects of it?" I decided to change the subject a bit.

She shrugged. "Fine, but..." She shook her head, making me lose my place in the braid, which was fine. "I don't know. I'm not very eager about returning."

My eyes widened. "Wait, really? But you were so set on becoming a cheerleader!" It has been her dream since...well, forever!

"I don't know, Chrom. I just don't know." I could hear the tears in her voice.

I sighed, mentally planning the murder of these girls. "That's okay. You don't have to know." I finished the braid, laying it over her shoulder. "You can take as much time as you need to figure things out, kay?"

She leaned back into me, like a cat demanding attention. "Okay..." No snappy remark? Gods, these girls really hurt her. Whatever happens, I'll be there to support and protect her. I'll comfort her for a few more minutes, then I have to make a call to Sumia and Cordelia...

Chrom: "If anything happens to Lissa, I will kill everyone in this room and then myself."
That's how I felt about this bean when I first met her. Love this baby. Anyway, I feel like if I stuck with cheerleading (thank God I didn't) I would've been made a flyer. I'm 97lbs of pure unadulterated rage and 5'1" so yeah. S9 NOW I'M IN COLORGUARD AND ALL WE THROW IS FLAGS AND GIANT PIECES OF WOOD AND SWORDS. Hurrah. Thank you so much for reading and look forward to reading more!

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