Chapter 28: His Intentions

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I sat alone in Anna's room for what must have been thirty minutes. I only heard bits and pieces of the Komodoris' conversation, but I could easily deduce that her uncle was none too pleased with my existence. Anna had talked about her uncle only briefly, stating he was her only other family besides her mom. From those conversations, I gained that he was a positive and supportive guy who loved her and Evelina.

Now he wanted me dead.

Nice guy.

"What the hell should I do?" I texted Gaius, reclining on Anna's bed.

"I've met her uncle once and lemme tell ya, it was intense." He texted back. "After what happened with Validar, he was incredibly uncomfortable with the idea of his sister dating again. I can't really blame him. I mean, it hurts him knowing that he was ignorant of the abuse Evelina and Anna went through."

Guess I never thought of that... I sighed, shaking my head. "Well, did he warm up to you and your mom?"



I heard a knock on the door and Anna's head peeped through. "Hey..."

I swallowed, pocketing my phone. "Hey."

She awkwardly shuffled on her feet, chewing on her bottom lip. "Um, why don't you come down for dinner?"

"So I can enter the weird mind games arena?"

"Yes. Exactly that."

"Oh boy."


Blaise stared daggers into me while I ate, hardly touching his plate. I made sure to sit with the best posture, keep my face as neutral as possible, and eat my food quickly and politely. The silence that surrounded the table was deafening, interrupted only by the sounds of silverware clinking. 

Having enough of this, I cleared my throat. "This chicken is delicious, Evelina."

The brunette smiled at me. "Thank you-"

"So you're on a first-name basis, huh?" Blaise interrupted, finding a crack in my armor. Shit. "That's awfully rude, wouldn't you say?"

Evelina elbowed him, shooting him her own glare. "I have everyone call me by name, Brother!" she seethed. "It is perfectly acceptable for the boy to do it too!"

"If it makes you feel better," Anna began, "I call his parents by name."

I leaned over to her and whispered: "No you don't!"

"Shut up!"

I chose to listen to her.

"Tell me, Chrom," Blaise growled at me, not-so-subtly stabbing his chicken with a knife, "what exactly are your intentions with my niece?"

Dammit dammit dammit dammit why is he putting me on the spot? "U-um, to date her."

That apparently wasn't the correct answer. "Oh, so you're a smart ass?"

"N-no! I'm not a smart ass! I mean, I am smart - but I'm not smart, smart. I'm not cocky about it! In fact, how do we even define smart?" I chuckled nervously, mentally beating myself up with a stick. 

Blaise turned to look at Anna, his face saying "Why the hell did you decide to date him?". 

"Uncle, I assure you: Chrom has been nothing but kind to me. He's a caring and considerate boyfriend and I love him very much." She reached for my hand, squeezing it gently.

He looked back to me, an expecting look on his face. I drew in a deep breath, hoping I don't completely biff my words. "Mr. Komodori, sir, I know you don't like me by principal and I understand that. Anna and Evelina have been hurt a lot in the past, but I can assure you that I will never hurt Anna like that. Ever." Blaise made to speak, but I stopped him. "As for my intentions? Well, I plan on staying with her for a long, long time. I don't exactly know where our relationship will go - I'd like to think that I'm allowed to have those thoughts because we're in high school - but I love her very much, and I can only see things going up."

Anna beamed at me, squeezing my hand even tighter.

Blaise analyzed my words, picking apart my soul and debating on whether he should end me right here and now. Suddenly, he hummed, taking a long sip of water. "Then that's all I can ask."

I let out a puff of air that was a bit too enthusiastic. Thank the gods! I'm not dying today!

"But if you break her heart, I'll break your knees."

And there it is. "Er, yes, sir."

Evelina giggled, rolling her eyes at her brother. "If he survives me, that is."

"Why is everyone ganging up on me?!"

Happy Easter, everyone! I hope you all are able to enjoy it, despite the circumstances of the world. I'm celebrating it by playing even more Animal Crossing. My entire life revolves around Animal Crossing, now. Thank you so much for reading and look forward to reading more!

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