Chapter 14: Possible Future-Step-Brother

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I took a lock of my hair into my hands, repeatedly rubbing the strands. I frowned as I saw a bit of blue residue rub off, staining my finger. Dammit. I should have been more careful.

I rushed to the bathroom and cleaned off my hands, gazing at myself in the mirror. "Chill. Just chill. It's not like this night will change you forever or anything! Stop freaking out!"

It was finally Yulemas and finally time for me to meet Mom's girlfriend her son. I shouldn't be so nervous, right? This boy goes to my school, after all. Maybe I've already met him.

Then again, I have had multiple panic attacks in multiple classes so maybe he saw one of those.


"It's no big deal, Anna...totally not a huuuuge deal..." I wrapped my arms around me, my fluffy black sweater tickling my palms. "Just breathe...just breathe..."

"I can't do this."

I whipped out my phone, scrolling through my contacts until I found "💙Blueberry Boyfriend💙". With rapid speed, I texted my boyfriend like my life depended on it.

"Babe. I'm freaking out."

"Relax, Anna. Everything will be fine."

"But what if it isn't?"

"If this kid is a jerk, I'll beat him up."



I smirked, smiling at Chrom's messages. I'm so glad I have someone who's willing to fight another person with me.

"Anna! Our guests are here! Come outside!" Mom's voice called.

I had a mini-heart attack right then and there. Crapcrapcrapcrapcrap. "Be down in a second!"

I quickly splashed some water over my face, hyping myself for this moment. "I can do this. I can do this. I can do this." With shaky legs, I exited the bathroom. The walk down the hallway was torture, feeling like an eternity. It was now or never. I could either meet my Mom's girlfriend's family and be happy with it, or I could wait another bunch of months for this chance. How bad could it be? I won't die...probably. I'm going to like this kid and his mom and we'll be one big happy family.

I neared the corner, my heart racing out of my chest. Everything will be fine. It will allllllllllll be fine. Nothing to worry about. I'm sure this kid is cool. I'm sure he'll think I'm cool. Oh, but what if I say something to embarrass myself?! I'll never be able to forgive myself. Mom's relationship will die and it'll be all my fault! Gah! And what if this boy was one of Katie's lackies? She had practically every boy wrapped around her finger! Then again, she hasn't been in the school for almost two years, so I guess I don't have to worry about that too much. Still, I'm terrified as to whom it can be. Well, I guess there's only one way to-


My wonderful and fantastic and amazing ginger-haired friend snapped his head towards me, a bright smile growing on his pale face. "Anna!"

We ran towards each other, meeting half-way and embracing like our lives depended on it. I hugged him with all my might, crying into his salmon-pink dress-shirt. "Please tell me this isn't a dream..."

I felt him shake his head. "Nope! I'm as real as can be, Bubbles!"

I can't believe it... I really can't believe it!

"Er, I take it that you two know each other?" I woman with pale-green eyes - the same as Gaius - and raven black hair asked. Her stature was small but tall, a good foot taller than me. She had Gaius's skin and nose, her hair in soft curls. She wore jeans and a grey sweater and she held a few gifts in her arms.

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