Chapter 34: Goodbye, Frederick

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"I can't believe this is it..." I said as I handed Frederick another textbook. "It feels like just yesterday I was helping you put things in your locker."

The brunette huffed a laugh, stuffing the book in his bag. "Indeed, my friend." He extended his hand to reach for another book - like clockwork. "The fact that I've graduated is quite foreign."

Today was Frederick's last day of high school; the thought gave a bittersweet twinge to my stomach. I refused to believe time really flew by that quickly, and that I would be in his position exactly a year from now.

"You won't forget me when you become a professional football player, right?"

Frederick rolled his eyes at that. "I could never forget you." His soft eyes countered his normally rigid demeanor. "Besides, I would dread a career in professional football. My uniform would get far more messy."

I laughed at that. "Never change, Freddy Bear. Never change."

Frederick had been accepted into one of the top schools of our state, with tuition almost fully paid thanks to a football scholarship. His major was still undecided, but he would quickly figure out his path. He's Frederick: how could he not?

We packed away all that was left in his locker, Frederick releasing a drawn-out exhale as he closed it for the very last time. His hand lingered on the metal surface for a moment before slipping away and picking up his over-stuffed bag.

"Ready to go?" I asked, placing a hand on his shoulder.

He swallowed thickly, readjusting his things. "Yeah. Let's go find Sumia and we'll head out."

"Lead the way."


"I'm going to miss you so much..." Sumia's voice came out muffled as she buried her face in Frederick's chest.

He hugged her back, his smile full of mirth. "I don't leave for college for another, my love." He pressed a kiss to her light-brown hair. "And we're going out to dinner tonight!"

"S-still!" she sniffled. "High school won't be the same without you! Nothing will!"

She is right... it's hard imagining things without him.

Eventually, the couple pulled away, trying their best to hide their tears.

"You sure you have everything?" I asked. "If not, I can easily get it for you."

Frederick held up a hand. "No, it's alright. You don't have to use your new powers on small things like a missing pencil."

"No, I mean that my dad is the principal and can easily find and send you whatever it is you're missing."

"Oh," he scratched the back of his head, "right."

I rolled my eyes at that, opening my arms for a hug. "Alright, bring it in." Frederick literally hugged like a bear, his large form overbearing. "Good luck out there, buddy. You'll do great."

"As will you, Chrom." He pat each other on the back a few times and separated. "I guess this is it then..."

"Yeah..." Sumia wiped away a tear. "It is..."

He flashed us one more smile before climbing into his truck. "I'll see you two soon. Goodbye."

"Bye..." We said in tandem.

And just like that, he was gone.

Sumia sniffled once more, tears streaming down her cheeks. "I knew this would be hard, but..."

"He'll be back." I smiled, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. "He won't be gone forever. And he'll always keep in contact."

She giggled, rubbing at her puffy eyes. "Yeah. Yeah, he will." She turned to me.

"Now, let's go home. We have a going away party to plan."

The girl nodded enthusiastically, the light returning to her eyes. "I'm already one step ahead of you."

Hello, everyone. I hope you all are staying safe and healthy. The world is a pretty shitty place right now, and it's honestly hard for me to find light. I'm so sorry this chapter feels dry, I wanted it to be 10x better than this, but I'm just so exhausted with everything and writing is taking the biggest hit. I'm sorry. Thank you so much for reading and look forward to reading more. ❤

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