Chapter 13: Two Years

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"I hate thiiiiis."

"I know, darling. I know."

"This isn't how I wanted to spend our two-year-anneversary like this!"

"Er, Anna? We've been dating for two months?"

"Two years worth of being friends, dummy!" Anna coughed, snuggling further into the covers.

On the day Anna and I planned to go out on our third date, she fell ill. Now, we were holed up in her room, the door wide open, every single fan blowing on max, and my girlfriend piled under a mountain of blankets. It wasn't the most romantic thing, but I would much rather stay by her side and help her recover than go out.

I brushed a few strands of hair away from her eyes, her forehead burning hot. "Has it really been two years?" Gods, that day still feels like yesterday... Who'd have thought this girl would turn out to be my girlfriend?

"I feel like I'm having deja vu..." she signed, tone nazily. "You found me in an emotionally vulnerable place and helped me recover; you're the best thing to ever happen to me blah blah blah."

I rolled my eyes, reaching into the bowl of cool water by my side to wet a cloth. "I'm so glad you look back on those events with so much fondness."

As soon as the cloth hit her forehead, she winced. "I'm sorry... Being sick makes me sarcastic."

"You're always sarcastic."

"Sarcastic without filter!" she groaned. "How long have we known each other?"

"Two years. You just said that."

She breathed out a chunky sigh, her arms shifting beneath the covers. "I hate you sometimes, you know?"

"Noted." I leaned down so our eyes met. "But I know that icy heart of yours holds so much fondness for me. Don't try and fight it."

She recoiled. "Shut up."

I smirked. "Make me." I tried to brush our lips together, but a hand came up to stop me.

"No kisses, Chrom. I'll only end up getting you sick."

What the hell?! I mean, we don't kiss a whole lot to begin with, but downright banning them is just plain cruel. "B-but..."

She sat up with a smile. "If my ailment magically gets better within the next few hours, I'll give you a kiss." She winked. "But until then, you're out of luck."

"Anna, this is a war crime."

"Under what laws?"

"The ones that make me sad."

"I can't believe I'm dating you."


A few hours later, we were curled up beneath her blanket mountain and watching a Yulemas movie on her laptop. I could tell she was nearly asleep, her clogged breaths fanning out slowly and eyes fighting to stay open.

"Tired, love?" I asked suddenly. Right then and there, my heart jerked. Crap. I just called her love. How's she gonna react to this? Dammit, I did a big bad. Crapcrapcrapcrap-

Anna shifted, a tired noise escaping her throat. "Whatcha say...?"

Oh, thank the gods...

Yes, we have told each other "I love you" multiple times in the past. But now that we were together, love carried a whole different meaning. I knew I loved her; I loved her more than anything in this entire world, but verbally expressing that still felt weird.

"Nothing, babe," I replied, fighting back the desire to call her love once more, pressing a kiss to her forehead. I might have been forbidden from kissing her lips, but that didn't stop me from speaking cheek or head kisses every now and then.

She grumbled, "I told you, no kisses."

"On the lips, dearest." I gave her a sly smile.

Her eyes tried to focus on the screen in front of us, the bright colors and faint voices being too much for her brain at this moment in time. Without giving her time to complain, I shut off her computer and set it aside, wrapping my arms around her. "You should rest. You don't have to force yourself to stay awake just for me."

She snuggled into my warmth like it was a lifeline. "Donwanna..."

"You gotta." I kissed her hair once more. "If you sleep, you'll get better. If you're better, we can reschedule our date. Trust me, it'll be okay."

Her heat, my heat, and the blankets on top of us were starting to catch up, her forehead now shiny with sweat. "M'kay..."

I tried to peel back the blankets only for her to tug them back, opening her blue eyes to glare at me. "No."

"Yes," I sighed back, ripping the blankets away. You're going to overheat. I don't care what you're body's telling you, but you need to take away most of the heat."

"But I'm coooold."

"And warmth speeds up the growth of bacteria." Thanks, Biology. "Please, babe. For me?"

She pulled one sheet over herself - it's better than nothing - and cuddled even closer to me. "Fiiine..." She yawned. "Please stay..."

I smiled, holding her in a tight embrace. "I will, don't worry. I'll stay for as long as you need me." Or until Evelina kicks me out. I know she's all right with how cuddly we are, but still.

If I didn't know any better, I'd say my girlfriend fell asleep right then and there. She was snoring lightly, face relaxed. My precious girl... I nuzzled into her hair, my free hand playing with the splayed out strands. I rubbed a strand of blue between my fingers, her natural brown shade peaking through. She should re-dye her hair, soon. Maybe I can help her with it. I am kind of an expert at blue hair, afterall.

Of all the things to love about Anna, I think I loved her hair the most (in regards to her physical appearance, at least). It framed her face perfectly, and the color only helped in making her eyes shine. It was soft and silky at the same time, a texture that never ceased to amaze me. All you ever had to do was run your fingers through her hair or massage her scalp and she'd melt into your hands like butter.

I hoped she kept it long forever.

"Gods, I love you so much..." I whispered those words like a prayer, caring little if she heard me.

Her lack of a response truly sold it to me that she was asleep.

I threaded my hand through her hair and closed my eyes. "Sweet dreams, my dear. You'll wake up feeling ten times better, I promise."

Better enough for that kiss, I hope. 

This is inspired by the fact that I felt sick yesterday. I was gonna write super cute Christmas fluff between these idiots but I wasn't feeling well so I was like "Fudge it  this is them." But I'm feeling better (honestly my sickness was probably from the fact that I didn't eat breakfast. Or lunch. Or really anything that entire day). Don't follow my example, kids. Yeah, that's all. XD Oh! I nearly forgot! In case you didn't know, I've created a Spotify playlist for HSY! The account name is AnnaBanana813 (shocker) and you can find more information in My Random Thoughts! I would really appreciate if you checked it out! I also have my official TedTalk posted in My Random Thoughts so please watch that. It's very important to humanity. Thank you so much for reading and look forward to reading more!

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