paint smears

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i don't really like this but y'all deserve something so here you go. basically the equivalent of "felt cute might delete later" hope you like it xoxo love you

"C'mon, Joshie! Come 'n get your paper!" The boy teased, pinching the paper and holding it over his head.

I really, really hate him sometimes.

"I know you can get up and get it yourself!" The boy continued. "Or, maybe you can't, pussy."

I was already particularly annoyed this morning from my sister, but that took me right over the edge. No one calls Joshua a goddamn pussy.

I walk over to the boy with a wicked grin. His eyes flashed with fear for a second, but quickly regained their bold gaze. I reached up for the paper, which was personal. He held it up higher and chuckled. "You gotta fight, sweetcheeks."

Fight? Okay. I can do fight.

In two seconds, I've grabbed his collar and punched his gut, and he's on the ground. I reach down and pick up the paper, folding it and placing it in my pocket.

"Don't take my shit," I snarl at him and the group of kids that had formed.

They quickly dispersed, and I smile a little to myself, picking up my skateboard before dropping it on the concrete and skating towards the more.. friendly part of the park. Y'know, the part with the slides 'n swings, and not the skatepark where I usually go to get high.

I meet Tyler there, who's sitting on the top of the slide and watching me with warm eyes. He is the only thing that can melt me into a puddle with a simple gaze or word.

"Hello, Joshua," he says in his voice that matches his eyes: warm and sweet, and calming. I smile a bit and hop off the board, grabbing it and walking to the slide.

"Hello, baby," I purr, reaching up and giving him a short, quick kiss on his plump, rosey lips that I adore. His giggle spills out into the air when we pull away, looking down to my board.

"Can I paint it again today?" He asks, eager to continue his project. I nod quickly, looking down at the board in my hands. "Of course, buttercup."

"Did you like my drawing?" He asks after a second, his voice timid. I pull the (now slightly wrinkled) paper out of my pocket and open it for the third time today. Tyler drew me last night, and then he gave it to me.

"I love it, baby," I whisper, kissing his cheek. "So much. It looks just like me, too!"

Tyler's my artsy boyfriend, I guess. He's a magician when it comes to pencils and paper. I just have erase marks and scribbles.

"Oh, good," he grins. "I hoped you would like it."

I carefully fold it back up and stick it back in my pocket, watching him slide down and stand up, coming back over to me.

"I love you, Joshua," he says quietly, pecking my chapped lips.

"I love you too, Tyler," I tell him, and he loosely wraps his arms around my waist. I set my board down and let him jump up and wrap his legs around my waist, and he kisses my nose.

"You're so nice, Joshua," he whispers, playing with my hair that's sticking out of my snapback. "To the people that deserve it, though, you're not, which I guess is okay," he shrugs.

I chuckle and push my forehead against his. "I'm sorry, love. I do what I have to." He nods in understanding, then leans his head against my shoulder. "Can we go to your house?"

I nod and kiss his neck softly, and he giggles a little. "J- Joshua!"

"What? What's wrong with that?" I ask, chuckling.

He just shakes his head and slowly gets down from my body. I reach down and get my board, and we start the walk to my house.
"How's it looking?" I ask him, and he hums in response.

"Not as good as you're looking right now."

I snort from my bed and flip the magazine page. "I can't look that good."

He shrugs and places the paintbrush in the crook of his ear, like a pencil. "You do to me."

"Well, the board is coming along well," I tell him, and he smiles, getting up from the newspaper-covered floor, setting the paintbrush down and sitting on my lap, facing me. I set the magazine down and look at his small smile. "Well, hello there, mister."

He giggles and takes his hand, running it over my hands. The leftover black paint streaks my skin, and I gasp. "Tyler!"

He kisses me then, a paint-smeared hand coming up to lay on my hand cupping his jaw. I can feel the paint on my hand, but I make sure to not get it on anything as I slide it slowly down his front.

I deepen our kiss, and he makes a familiar little sound. I make sure that some of the paint gets on the back of his neck, and I pull away after a little while. He frowns slightly, but I can feel him warm up as I reach down and kiss his neck.

"I love you," he gasps out when I softly nip at his skin and suck slightly in another spot. I mumble out a response before repeating my actions all over his neck. I hope he's enjoying it as much as I am, just doing it to him.

He lets out a breath when I pull away, and immediately connects our lips again, carefully putting his hands up my shirt in the back. The paint on his hands was cold at first, but now it's starting to warm up. I'm just about to run a hand through his hair when I hear my phone ring.

I hesitantly pull away, and Tyler pouts. "D'ya gotta answer it?" He mumbles, putting his head in the crook of my neck.

I actually do, because I'm expecting a phone call. I tell him this and he whines, but lets me do it anyway.


"Hey, uh, Josh?"

It's Ryan.

"What do you need now?" I huff as Tyler softly kisses my jawline, moving in my lap a little too much for my safety.

"Well, uh, we have a situation behind the store, and-"

I can't do this right now.

"I'm sorry, Ryan, but I can't," I tell him as Tyler starts to play with the hem of my shirt. "I have more important things to do."

Tyler giggles at my word choice, and I'm not sure if Ryan hears, but he sighs and hangs up.

"Now, Mister Artist," I say, dropping my phone down on the bed. "If you think spreading paint over me is funny, I'll show you something much better."

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