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now the night is coming to an end

i look outside, to the rain pouring down the window.

the night hasn't fully gone yet.

ooh, ooh, ooh.

i tap on the glass three times.

the sun will rise, and we will try again.

trying again is kinda hard when you don't know what you're trying for. what am i reaching for, that's out of my grasp? something that's in the light?

what would be in the light?

ooh, ooh, ooh.

i can't think of anything that i'm reaching for.

stay alive,

stay alive

stay alive,

stay alive

for me

i'm trying.

you will die,

but now your life

i'm trying real hard.

is free

my rain is pouring down my face now, dripping into my red palms and onto to golden floor, staining them both purple.

take pride in what is sure



i think of that word.


what an interesting word.

i will fear the night again

die is an interesting word because it brings grief, but it bring happiness. it brings two totally different things into a new light, mixing them together.

ooh, ooh, ooh.

my red palm goes to the window, streaking it with blue.

opposites, but both intricate and beautiful.

i hope i'm not my only friend

i slam my hand down onto my face, purple mixing with red and orange, splashing green against the wall. i hope no one heard that.

ooh, ooh, ooh.

i open the door, and i run out into the rain. the sky's rain mixes with my rain, creating a rainbow.

purple and red and orange and green are dripping off my face and hands, splashing onto the pink ground.

stay alive,

i'm trying

stay alive,

i'm trying

for me

i stop.

you will die,

i will die.

but now your life

but now my life...

is free, take pride in what it sure



a final splash of color drips to the ground as my departing words.

hi what is this??

oneshots 🧷 joshlerWhere stories live. Discover now