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it was a normal sunday morning for tyler joseph, all until he got the text.

he looked down when his phone vibrated on his bed, smiling softly as he picked it up and read it.

joshie: i think you're gonna like the surprise i have for you, love bug

he giggled, biting his lip as he burrowed deeper into his warm blankets.

tyler: i always like your surprises, joshie

he saw josh read the message, then start typing, and then his sent message.

joshie: this ones a little different, though.

tyler: wha'dya mean?

joshie: brendon should text you about it soon.

tyler bit his lip in confusion, his excitement only growing, but was now mixing with confusion.

tyler: why can't you tell me now, silly?

he didn't answer, just left him on read. that left him nervous, and he decided to text brendon, to see if he knew anything.

tyler: brenny josh just texted me that you know something about some surprise and he won't tell me anything about it so um. if you know then can you pretty please tell me??

brendon read his message and started typing, but then stopped, and he stopped for a long time.

tyler grew worried, more and more by the second.

tyler: brenny seriously... what is it??

the message sat, delivered, unseen.

his tummy started to flip with his nerves. this had never happened before, and he didn't know that to do.

tyler: brendon i need to know.. please?

this time, he started typing.

brenny: i'm so sorry, tyler. dump that dickwad as soon as you can.

tyler's eyes widened. what?? what was happening??

tyler: uh.. no? what happened, bren, and why should i dump my perfect boyfriend?

brendon responded quickly.

brenny: he's not as perfect as you think.

a simple link was attached, but as soon as tyler skimmed over it, he didn't want to see it.

tyler: .... what?

tyler skimmed over brendon's words, knowing already what he would say, what just happened, and he couldn't do anything, nothing, absolutely nothing.

he didn't even read brendon's new text. he got up, his brain still registering what was happening, trying to swallow, but his throat was dry.

after his shoes were shoved on his feet, he ran out the door, still in his pajamas, and ran to josh's house, even though the thought of him was making him sick at the moment.

he didn't even care about the tears threatening to spill over. he knew he had to stay strong and show josh how much he didn't care, even though he cared immensely.

he arrived at his house, out of breath, and knocked on the door. josh's sister let him in, and he stormed into josh's room.

josh was laying on his bed casually, looking to his phone. "knock, guys."

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