knifeplay // nsfw

175 6 173

tw sex, blood, sharp objects, death
Tyler let out a helpless moan as he felt Josh's hands on his hips, looking up to him with pleading eyes as he silently begged for more. Josh just smiled, groaning softly as he forced Tyler on him more, making him moan again.

"J-Joshua, oh.. please!"

"Please what, baby?" Josh asked, his eyes glancing for a moment over to the bedside table before going back to him, continuing to thrust steadily into him.

Tyler couldn't even answer him, too hung up in pleasure as he threw his head back, gripping onto the bedsheets.

Josh liked seeing him so desperate, and it kind of turned him on that he could get his boy so speechless and needy. He reached down and started to kiss his jaw gingerly before moving down to his neck, nibbling and sucking his most sensitive spots. Tyler's moans were evident against his lips, and it made him smile, leaning up and kissing his cherry lips as he squeezed his hips a bit harder.

"I-I think 'm ready," Tyler whispered when Josh pulled away, looking deep into his eyes and gulping, whimpering when Josh slowed his thrusts.

"You're sure, princess?" he asked quietly, caressing his face as he watched him nod silently. Josh bit his lip before reaching over to the bedside table and pulling the pocket knife into his hand, carefully opening it.

Tyler looked up to it, taking in deep breaths as Josh continued to move his hips slowly, looking over Tyler's body for the perfect spot. He dragged the knife right under his neck gently, barely even touching his skin. Tyler still gasped in response, the feeling making the knot in his lower stomach tighten.

It made him feel so sinful, so at risk- but he trusted Josh with his life and knew he wouldn't chose to take it.

Knifeplay was something fairly new to them, something that Josh suggested and Tyler agreed to. Something to add to their sexual actions, something more than just fucking that made both their stomachs flip.

Josh took the knife and placed it right in the middle of his chest, leaning down and kissing him softly before pressing down with the blade, cutting his skin.

Tyler moaned out, in pleasure and in pain, and Josh watched as the blood rose to the surface, sliding its way out of the original cut and pooling around it, moving with each breath Tyler took. It was so addicting to look at, in his opinion, and with Tyler gasping and holding onto him tightly, it just added to the affect.

He set the knife down and began to thrust into him again, watching his facial expression change in the blink of an eye. Tyler moaned, in a daze as he felt the pain from the cut mixed with the pleasure of Josh inside of him, making him overwhelmed with pleasure.

"Joshie," he whispered softly, repeating it again and again, getting louder with every variation of his lover's name, making his throat hoarse. "Joshua, fuck!"

There was a hand in the pool of blood on his chest, then the metal bloomed on his  tongue, Josh's lips joining his soon after, the crimson staining both of them a pure red. It was gratifying to know that this was something they could do safely and healthly.

"How about a round two?" Josh asked, pulling away and picking the pocket knife back up. Tyler nodded eagerly, closing his eyes in the pure bliss he felt. The blade was being lightly pressed along his side, he could feel it, being dragged down and barely leaving anything behind. It trailed back up to his chest, and he felt the tip press a bit harder just above the first cut, and then leave.

He gasped in pain when he felt the knife sink through his skin, just around his heart, much deeper than any safe cut would've been.

"Josh!" he cried, looking to him in terror. Josh's face was simply smiling, taking the knife back out and stabbing him again. He cried out in pain, tears already streaming down his cheeks as he felt the blood start to spill out of him, warm and horrifying.

Josh took the knife and dragged it against his neck, chucking softly as Tyler pleaded quietly, his voice starting to grow softer with every moment.

"You know, I thought that I'd be with you forever," Josh murmured. "I really did. I'm sorry it had to end like this, lovely."

He leaned forward and kissed him before stabbing him one more time as he pulled out, watching him choke on his sobs, completely helpless. It was nice and fulfilling, knowing that Tyler wasn't going to be saved, as he kept the knife in his chest, getting up to put on some clothes.

Tyler's hand wrapped weakly around the pocket knife, managing to pull it out before his body gave up, the object clattering to the floor. Josh just smiled to himself, pulling on a pair of pants before going to the bathroom and washing his hands.

"So, Tyler, now that we've parted ways," Josh called, drying his stained hands on the towel. "It's with my great guilt that I admit, killing you was a fantasy of mine for a long time. I didn't know you'd make it this easy, though. Lucky me, huh?"

Tyler's naked corpse just laid there in response, making no noise whatsoever.

Josh was pleased with himself. Another job done.

He wrapped him up in the sheets and carried him to the shed, humming a sweet tune.

He couldn't stand to break up with Tyler, so this is how he'd break it to him- just kill him. He couldn't break his heart, so he stabbed it instead, literally, and he was proud with himself.

He made it so easy..

thank u warded-angeI for lettin me use the 'he trusted josh with his life and knew he wouldn't end it' paragraph vv lovely of you ily

anyway fun !! ily guys stay safe xo

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