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Tyler's phone rang, and he whined softly to himself, the bright glow illuminating his room and his face. It was too early for someone to be calling him, but he didn't mind.

He picked up, mumbling a soft, "Hello?" and listening to the shuffling on the other line.

"Ty, my mom threw me out again," he heard Josh sigh again. "Said I was being disruptive, or something. Can I talk to you for a bit?"

A frown appeared on Tyler's face. He didn't like when Josh's mom was a bitch, especially not at- he glanced at his alarm clock- three in the morning, almost. It made him feel horrible for Josh, so he nodded, and then realized that Josh couldn't see that, and cleared his throat.

"Do you need to come over?" he asked. "I can get out for a couple hours."

"Can I?" he heard Josh reply, almost desperately. "I really just.. I need someone."

Tyler felt his heart flutter, that Josh chose him to talk to. But, then again, he always did, even though he was nothing special- just his best friend.

"Of course. Cemetery, fifteen minutes?"

"I'll raise your fifteen to a ten. See you there."

Tyler smiled as he hung up, yawning as he hoisted himself out of bed. Being quiet was one of his specialties, and he used that to advantage when he went to sneak out of the house at times like these. It always helped to know the creaks in the floorboards and where exactly to place his fingers on the window when he opened it so that it would be practically silent, and exactly where and when to turn on his phone flashlight to see things. That's exactly what he did, and exactly what he would always do, just like Josh, even though Josh was always much more louder than him.

The walk to the cemetery was always quiet, sometimes cold. Sure, the location might seem like a weird hangout spot for the two, but they both liked it. Tyler liked it because it was quiet and peaceful, while Josh was practical and said that death was inevitable, so why not hang around it to get them ready? He was good at planning, Tyler thought to himself with a smile. Just another thing he liked about Josh; his motto was, "Prior Preparation Prevents Poor Performance." He wasn't very organized, but he knew how to prepare for things, ranging from a test to death.

They met up at the entrance, Josh somehow already there, waiting. Tyler smiled, waving at him before they both entered together.

"She told me to shut up or leave," Josh started, jumping straight into the conversation. "So, I got all up in her face and told her that I'd never shut up, and then I left."

"Very bold," Tyler commented, finding their usual grave buddy and plopping himself down next to him. "Hi, Greg."

"Hi, Greg," Josh parroted, sitting on the other side. They left a small silence as they thought about Greg, the deceased man under them, then continued with their conversation.

Tyler leaned his head on a fist, watching Josh's mouth move as he explained what happened. No matter the topic, Tyler was always looking to his chapped lips, watching for a flash of a smile or a certain tone to roll off his tongue and get caught in the middle of them. He felt that even though lips were simple, you could tell a mood by the slightest movement at the corners, and the crazy thing was that he knew exactly what Josh's moods were, just from watching his lips. He guessed it was a best friend thing.

Josh's voice flowed smoothly through the air, and Tyler loved to hear it, too. Paired with his lips, they seemed like soulmates, both perfectly fitting the other's image. His short stutters made him glance back into his eyes every once in a while, making sure he was okay before looking back down.

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