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Tyler's feet creaked softly on the wooden stairs, and he winced at the soft noises they made as he padded down them. It was pitch black outside, the crickets chirping and the stars shining. He wasn't able to sleep, his mind and eyes preoccupied with what was outside, waiting for him.

He had asked the farmhand to stay up that night, to meet him for a very important talk. He hoped he was still awake, as he grabbed a box of matches and hopped outside.

Lighting a small candle in a holder, he set off to the barn, his feet easily finding their way among the uneven terrain. If he and the farmhand were found tonight, he'd be dead for sure, so he tried hard to hide the candle flame from the house.

He reached the barn, finding the small side entrance. Nothing was in this barn but hay and the farmhand, who already had a light, so he set the candle down in the ground before cautiously opening the door.

The hayloft creaked, and a familiar face popped up as Tyler shut the door.

"Tyler," he heard, and he looked up, a small smile on his face at the voice.

"Joshie!" he giggled quietly, running through the barn and climbing up the ladder. He was careful on the loft, trying to not make so much noise as he crawled into Josh's arms and kissed his jaw. Josh curled around him protectively, almost cradling him.

"Hello, darling," he murmured, kissing the top of his head. "I was getting worried."

Tyler shook his head, running his hands through his short curls. "Dad stayed up real late tonight, 'm sorry."

"Oh, don't be sorry for something out of your control," Josh frowned. "You're here now, so everything's alright."

Tyler blushed, reaching up to gently kiss him. Josh was then blushing too, and he smiled when they pulled away.

"What's your important business?" he asked then, laying back on his blanket. Tyler bit his lip, sitting up and facing him. He took his worn hands, holding them gently and squeezing them.

"Um.." he said softly. "I think.. don't make fun of me, or anythin', but.. I think I'm in love with you."

Josh was silent for a few moments, holding tightly onto Tyler's hands. "Really?" he finally asked. "With me?"

Tyler giggled softly. "Yeah.. with you."

It took a moment, but Josh burst out into a grin, taking Tyler into his arms and kissing him. Tyler was all smiles and giggles, unable to keep kissing him for long until it got in the way.

"You love me?" Josh asked again, his voice sweet and happy. Tyler nodded, his grin more golden than honey.

"Oh, Tyler," he mumbled, kissing his perfect lips. "I think I might love you, too."

Tyler blushed madly, wrapping his arms around Josh as he kissed him again, a hand cupping his jaw. "Y'think?" he whispered, giggling quietly when Josh nodded.

The summer air was thick with humidity as they continued to share kisses, mumbling soft words to each other before Tyler felt Josh's hands on his back, under his shirt. His breathing hitched as they traced over some skin, finding their way to his hips.

"Josh," he whispered against his lips softly, his eyes opening. Josh felt his eyelashed brush on his cheeks, his tummy flipping slightly. He smiled, moving his head slightly as he let his lips kiss his cheek, down to his jaw, further to his neck..

Tyler focused his hands on Josh's shoulders, hugging onto them as he sat in his lap. Josh's hands didn't move further than his hips, too busy on finding his sensitive patches of skin on his neck. Tyler's breathing was heavy by the time his lips were done exploring said territory, instead going back up and kissing his lips.

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