dad!josh oneshot for lav

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wrote this for my homegirl lavishhallucinations and only her but ig ill let yall enjoy it too 🙄
"D- um.. Daddy?" Josh heard softly, and he turned around to see his daughter standing at the edge of the kitchen.

"Hey, little lady," Josh said, smiling gently. "What do you need?"

His daughter, Emery, shook her head. "W'na help.." she whispered, tugging on her sleeve. Josh chuckled, coming over and picking her up. She shrieked, giggling as Josh kissed her rosy cheeks.

"Wanna help Daddy stir the noodles, then?" he asked, and she nodded timidly. He smiled, taking her back over to the pot and telling her to be very careful with the wooden spoon. She nodded, sticking it in and stirring very slowly.

"Look at that!" Josh marvled. "You're doin' so well, Em! Good job!"

Emery giggled softly, watching the noodles in the water move around. She hummed softly, letting go of the spoon. Josh caught it before it could flip, telling her to be careful and setting her down.

"Sorry, Daddy," she said softly, but Josh told her it was okay.

"You wanna do something after lunch?" he asked. "We can go to the park, if you'd like."

Emery gasped. "Yeah!" she said. "W-with Casper!"

Josh laughed softly. "Casper stays home, baby, he's an indoor kitty."

"Oh.." Emery said, then nodded. "Okay!"

Josh turned off the stove, taking the pot to the sink. "Lemme get lunch on the table, honey. Can you wash your hands while I work on that?"

She nodded quickly. "Mhm!" she said happily, already running off to the bedroom. Josh called for her to be careful, continuing to hum softly to hinself as he readied the macaroni and cheese for today's lunch.

He heard the sink turn on in the bathroom, and he smiled to himself as he completed the macaroni and cheese. His daughter was the light of his life, truly, and he wouldn't trade her for anything.

Soon, she had her mac and a cut up chicken patty, the table set for the two of them. Josh peaked down the hallway, frowning when he saw her carrying Casper unsafely.

"Emmie, could we maybe not drag ol' Casp like that?" he asked, wincing at the white kitty that she had in her arms. She shook her head, struggling to carry their cat.

"Why won't you stop?" Josh asked. "Just.. just curious."

"'Cause he gotsa eat with us," Emery responded, clearly focused on her extremely important task. "Duh."

Josh sighed, coming down the hall and taking Casper out of her arms. She pouted, instead grabbing onto Josh's leg.

"The old ball and chain trick today, huh?" Josh asked, looking down at her. "You're crazy, kid. C'mon, your food is getting cold."

"Gimmie Casper!" she pouted, to which Josh looked down and pet the cat gently.

"I don't think he wants to eat with us right now, Em," Josh told her. "He's gonna run off if I let him go, and I don't want you to accidentally hurt him, yeah?"

Emery whined. "Casper!"

Josh sighed softly, letting the cat run off and pulling Emery to the table. She shrieked, holding on for dear life.

"Little lady, I don't want to have a problem this afternoon," he said, his voice a bit tense. "Can you please get up for me and eat?"

Emery huffed. "Don' wanna."

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