the princess bride

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"Hey, you're pretty cool."

"Hi, you're really sick."


"Like, uh.. like, you're rad. Awesome. Cool. You're sick."


"Yeah. You're sick."

Those words were the first words Josh and Tyler had said to each other, therefore becoming famous words between both of them. That was a good number of years ago, though. It has been a while since they first met, and a lot had folded out between them.

Like, a lot.

They had gone from borrowing pencils to passing notes in class to having sleepovers to learning how to skateboard (which resulted in a lot of blood and band-aids), and then girlfriends, and cars, and breakups, and then prom.

Prom. That was tonight. It was senior prom, and neither of them had a date.

Tyler looked over at his phone. He was doing nothing tonight, and he sorta wanted to see Josh.

Reluctantly, he picked up his phone and hit Josh's contact, waiting for the phone to stop ringing and for him to pick up.


"Hey, uh, Josh?"


"What are you doing tonight?"

"Nothing, unless you have an idea."

Tyler smiled. "C'mon over, then."

"I'll be there in a second."

Josh hangs up, smiling to himself as he grabs a hat and his jacket. His phone gets shoved in his back pocket, and he yells to his mom that he's going to Tyler's. Instead of taking his car, he decides on his skateboard, which, funnily enough, has Tyler's name scribbled on the bottom of it. Tyler's skateboard has Josh's name in the exact same spot. Josh smiles at that, and he goes out the door and drops the skateboard, hopping on and starting to make his way to Tyler's house.

Tyler, on the other hand, rolls out of his bed and toes his skateboard out of its corner, looking at Josh's name on the bottom in pink sharpie. Pink was Tyler's favorite color at the time, and Josh said that he "wanted him to have his favorite person on his skateboard in his favorite color." Tyler, of course, loved the idea, and then suggested he do the same to Josh's. So, Josh had Tyler's name in green sharpie on the bottom of his skateboard. It was kinda their big thing, skateboarding, so they wanted a connection with each other whenever one skated without the other.

Tyler wondered, as he pulled on a shirt, how Jenna was doing without him. How she was doing at prom without him by his side.

Josh had told him that she did it for whatever reason she had in her mind, and that she didn't really matter anyway.

"Bros before hoes, bud," he had said. "She just wanted you for sex."

Tyler could confirm that, even though he didn't want to believe it.

Even though it had been a good couple of months, he's still broken over it. He had really liked her, and he thought they had something. It had taken a toll on his health a little, but he was still passing all his classes, and he wasn't late to school, and he wasn't getting into trouble, so his parents weren't concerned. It was whatever to Tyler. His parents didn't really care about him anyway.

He runs a hand through his hair and sighs, licking his lips. He's tired, and he's kinda glad he's not a prom tonight.

There's a knock on the window, and he nearly jumps out of his skin. He turns, and there's Josh, smiling as he sits on the roof. He sighs, walking over to the window and opening it.

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