the smell of rain

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tyler moved around in his blankets, looking outside for the twenty-seventh time tonight. the stars blinked back at him, and he sighed, opening the window and climbing onto the roof.

he didn't really like to do this. he did it only if he couldn't sleep it he was bored, and he only did it in the middle of the night.

it was dark. he was hidden.

he had a blanket wrapped around his shoulders, laying down on the rough roof and looking up at the stars again. it was a warm night, for autumn. he didn't take the blanket off, though. he just looked up into the sky.

there were clouds in the sky, thick and ominous. he knew rain was on it's way, but he didn't go back inside. getting wet was fun. he'd stay outside. besides, he would just watch the rain, anyway, if he went inside.

tyler liked to be involved. he lived his life in the fast lane, always craving action. he could never sleep. ever. he got meds for it, but they made him feel weird for hours on end, so he secretly threw them in the trash and continued with his sleepless nights.

a drop of water landed on his nose.

he looked over right, to the house next to his. there was a two-foot gap between the two structures, and he had walked across it easily many, many times. he thought about the girl that lived over there, the beautiful girl with the golden hair and the bubbly laugh. he had experienced love with her for the first time ever. it was new, and interesting, and even though it was a little bit bumpy, it was beautiful.

then he looked over to his left, where an almost identical house stood. he had ran over that gap, too, though not as many times as to see the girl.

in this house, there was a boy, a handsome boy with soft, brown curls and a sparkling grin that only he had seen. he wasn't sure yet it he would experience love again after the girl, but when he saw the boy, talked to the boy, watched him grin for the first time, he felt it, the love, deep down in his heart start to bloom, like a rose.

the more time he spent with him, the more the rose inside of him grew, the petals covering his heart, the stem twisting around his ribs, surrounding the rose in a cage of thorns. sometimes, it would travel up his throat, making it so that he couldn't talk right.

but the boy knew. and the boy treated him with respect, and tended to his rose carefully.

he was scared for his rose. he was. the girl had treated it right for a long, long time, and after a bit, the thorns weren't as sharp, and the stem retracted a bit, and the girl was able to see his rose, and feel it, and see the beauty she had created.

and instead of letting it grow bigger and get more beautiful and blossom into something more, she picked it.

she stole his heart, and gave it to someone else.

tyler knew that it wasn't just rain on his face now. it was something else, something he didn't like. built up stress. sadness. anger. disappointment.

the rose was coming back. he could feel it blooming. he couldn't say that he wasn't worried for what was going to happen with the boy. he was worried that he would pick it, too.

the feeling of having the beauty inside you being taken and used is absolutely awful. it's like someone ripping out your insides and putting them in the trash, and walking away like nothing happened. tyler doesn't want it to happen again.

he heard a creak, and another, and he saw a figure climb out of their window. he silently watched the person as they climbed up and onto their roof, lay down, and he heard them sigh.

the handsome boy with soft brown curls looked over to him with a blank face.

"tyler, there's too much on my mind to tell you tonight, but would you like to lay with me instead?" the boy asked, and tyler, careful of the slippery tiles, walked over, jumped over the gap, stumbled a little, and slid to a halt in front of the boy.

"i would. thanks for asking."

the rose bloomed a little more.

(a/n! i lub jenna! a lot! and she was featured in this as a bad evil guy! and she's not! so sorry, but it just worked out that way. don't think that i don't like her, because i lub her, but she was just bad. :(
also if there are any errors please tell moi in some way because i need to know, it would mostly pov errors in this one oops, but that's all! have a wonderful day! i love you!)

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