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kinda sad sorry

half empty wine glasses and tired eyes occupied the table on saturday morning, the two boys staring at each other, one sad, the other one unbelieving.

"i'm sorry... what?" the first one said, the one with the brown hair that was messy from the night before, his chest tattoos peaking out from under the transparent tank top.

the second boy, the one with the glasses and the darker, curlier hair, shook his head. "i don't... i don't think we should do this anymore."

"do what?" the first one asked timidly, trying to look into his lover's eyes, but being rejected. "what can't we do?"

"i want a divorce."

he, the first boy, didn't say anything. he fiddled with the ring on his finger, twisting it slowly, his heart slowing down until he thought he may have died.

"i can't keep up with you anymore. you- you don't treat me like your husband anymore. you just ignore me, and i've tried to tell you time and time again, but you just won't listen," the second one said quietly, letting his partner soak it in like a sponge. "you never kiss me anymore unless you're tipsy, and you know i hate that. you just act like i'm your roommate instead of that you're married to me."

"you're not as kissable as you used to be," the first one admitted, keeping his voice quiet, almost scared. "it doesn't seem real between us."

"exactly!" the second one breathed. "it doesn't seem real anymore. we don't have a connection."

"but i want to stay with you," the first one, the younger one, the more shy, less outgoing, scared all the time one, whispered. "i want to be your forever."

"our forever ended long ago," the other one replied. "our forever is over. it's a fight everyday against the line of love and hate, and you're pushing me to the wrong side."

"i hope you know i'm not trying to."

"well, now you know that you are!"

the first boy flinched back at the rise in his voice, the ring jerking off his finger and rolling around the table. his cheeks flushed red, and he blinked back tears. the second boy just scoffed and took the ring, setting the cold metal band against the table. "i'm tired, okay? i can't live every day with you. i thought i could, but there's just something inside of you that ticks me off."

"i need you," his partner whispered. "i thought you completed me."

"i did, too, but now i see that you don't. isn't that an okay explanation? is that how i have to explain my feelings? dammit, tyler, i cannot live with you around me!"

tyler sucked in a breath, shoving the chair away from the table. "sorry i fucked up your life, even though you're the one who wanted it," he said coldly.

"don't you dare put this on me!"

"what makes me so horrible that you can't even live with me? we're- we were best friends! i helped build your fucking life and put it back together, and this is how you repay me?"

"i already explained why i can't live with you. maybe if you listened to me, you wouldn't have to ask!"

tyler stood up. his eyes grew cold, not even bothering to look in the direction of the second boy. "i just don't understand why you wanna make me feel this way, joshua."

"i already- y'know what? fuck this. fuck you, and your snotty fuckin' attitude you always have around me, and your lack of love for anyone but yourself!" joshua yelled.

"now you're the one not listening to me," tyler said sadly. "oh, how the tables have turned."

"i am listening!"

"you're not even listening to yourself."

"i know exactly what i want, tyler, and i'm sorry to say that it doesn't include you in it anymore. that's what i hear from myself. it's that fucking simple, tyler. you're just resisting it!"

"maybe we should split up," tyler hummed. "i don't think i could live with your insane ass anymore."

"i'm being serious, tyler. you're making more negative than positive. i want a divorce."

"sounds like fun," tyler snorted. "remember our wedding vows? 'i shall love you forever and ever?'"

"those vows are sealed with this-this ring," josh sputtered, twisting it off his finger, so that now, both boy's fingers were ring-less, all the love in their hearts gone.

tyler just shook his head. "is this goodbye, joshua?"

"don't call me that."


"yes. it is goodbye."

"goodbye." tyler looked out the window and sighed, walking to the door and opening it, closing it.

half empty wine glasses and one pair of sad, regretting eyes occupied the table five minutes later on that saturday, the second boy staring at space.

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