the day after october

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the day after october was cold and depressing. it held everyone in the palms of its hands, its cold, rough hands, trapping them there until the next day.

the day after october was cold and cruel, and no one felt really warm, no matter who they were with or what they were doing.

the day after october counted one month until a birthday. it counted one hour until a death, one hour until a new life. it counted seven days until a restart. it counted twenty-three days until a big opportunity passed up, and another one taken. in one hand, it counted the number of regrets one had, and in the other, the number of mistakes.

the day after october never forgot what one told it, even after centuries had passed. it remembered one story in particular, and it went a little something like this:

boy meets boy

boy say wow!

one boy is up

one boy is down

one boy sings while the other boy cries

and both the boys are telling each other how to not die

boy loves boy

boy feels the same

one boy starts to play a silly game

the other boy tries

to play along

but the boy can't seem to find the notes of the song

boy gets mad

boy can't run

boy meets boy

boy says we're done

on the day after october, the boy said his goodbyes.

on the day after october, the other boy cried.

the day after october remembered this story vividly. it did not seem to understand why, but it was still given the fate of the two boys.

how does one die on the day after october? how does one die on any day?

how does one die in the hands of the day after october peacefully, with no flowers, no songs, no one person to celebrate their passing?

it is still being deeply thought about to this day, and most come to the conclusion that it can simply not be done.

but it can be done.

this is odd hello

this is kinda a word dump. it didn't capture what i wanted exactly, but it has the elements. i hope you liked it :)

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