just missed you

133 7 198

there's a lot of timeskips in this bc i'm a lazy fuck LMAOO also please point out any spelling mistakes. ily xo
"I'm telling you, Tyler, it won't be that long," Josh said as he packed his suitcase. "A week, okay? Just a week without me."

Tyler pouted, looking down to his lap. "Easy for you to say. You're gonna be across the country for a week," he mumbled. "Not waking up to you is gonna be hard, Joshie."

"It's mandatory, you know that," Josh told him, leaning over and kissing his nose. "We can do something extra fun when I come back, alright?"

Tyler took a deep breath, nodding hesitantly. "Okay, Joshie. I guess so."

"I'll call you every night, darling. You can still see my face every night, okay? We'll work something out."

Tyler nodded again, standing up and grabbing his hands before letting go and hugging him tightly. "Just.. please stay safe, okay?" he told him softly. "I don't want you hurt."

"I promise, dear. But.. we really do need to get going soon, okay?"


Josh smiled and kissed him softly. "Go get changed, hon. I'll get the car started, okay?"

Tyler just nodded, and Josh frowned, getting his suitcase. He knew that Tyler hated it when he wasn't around, and he had been dreading this week apart just as much as him. They would work something out, he knew. He just wished that Tyler wouldn't miss him too much.


"Please stay safe, Joshie," Tyler murmured into his chest, sniffling softly. Josh rubbed his back, hugging him tightly.

"Don't worry, baby. I'm gonna be the safest guy there, okay?" Josh promised him. "Gonna text you all I can."

Tyler nodded, looking up to him with a hint of tears in his eyes. "Okay.. okay."

"I love you, darling," he said softly,leaning down and kissing him softly. "After this, we can stay in for a long time, okay? We can be together, nothing in our way."

Tyler nodded again, reaching up to kiss him one more time, his hands a bit shaky.

Josh was the one to pull away, apologizing and telling him he was going to miss his plane if they waited just a second more. Tyler simply nodded for a third time, letting him go reluctantly. Josh smiled sadly, grabbing his suitcase and sighing.

"I love you, Tyler."

"L-love you, Joshua."

Josh hugged him one more time, holding Tyler as close as he could.

"Don't leave me for too long," Tyler whispered, barely even able to hear himself as he let go of Josh. He watched him wave, and then disappear into the building.

He could already feel the tears coming as he climbed back into the car, so he decided to just go straight home and curl up in bed, surrounded by blankets and his sorrow for the loss of his Josh for a week.

And that's exactly what he did, sobbing pathetically into his pillow and hugging it for dear life. He didn't know how go without Josh for a few hours, let alone a full week. It was torturous to think about, and now he had to live through it. He'd call him when he got off the plane, Josh had told him, and he couldn't wait to hear his voice again, and tell him it was alright.

For now, he'd just cry himself to sleep.


"Tyler, hey, baby!" Josh's voice came through on the phone. "How was it without me?"

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