cookies and christmas

131 9 40

this is kinda long.. oops. also i dunno about this ending, i don't know if y'all will like it LMAO. it's just me being self conscious. but here's some cute stuff your you!! no killings or abuse or blood and guts and horror, just fluffy cuteness. enjoy !!
"Josh- Joshua, Christ! Look over here!" Tyler called, groaning when Josh ignored him and continued looking down to their dog, Jim.

"I'm gonna kill if this doesn't turn out right," he muttered to himself, turning on the timer and sprinting to Josh.

Jim barked at him, and Josh looked up, smiling fondly, but Tyler had no time for words, deciding to just connect their lips and worry about homophobic family members later.

Josh made a surprised whimper into his mouth, his hand flying up to his cup his jaw.

When Tyler counted the seconds and decided that the timer would've been gone off for sure, he pulled away, giggling and readjusting Josh's glasses.

"Now that I've got your attention," he mumbled. "That's gonna be our Christmas card, if it turned out properly."

Josh looked at him, giving him big eyes. "Oh really?" he asked.

"Yes, really!" Tyler laughed, kissing his cheek before being trampled by Jim and letting out a surprised, "Ack!"

"Karma," Josh giggled, rolling next to him and crying out when Jim stepped on his ribs.

"Karma!" Tyler wheezed.

"Can we go make cookies now or whatever?" Josh groaned, admiring his boy's face when it lit up at the mention of cookies.

"We can make all different kinds, right?" Tyler asked, pushing himself up and dragging Jim off of Josh.

"No oatmeal raisin mix stuff, please," he begged in return. "I can't handle it."

"We're making chocolate chip, dummy," Tyler snorted. "And maybe peanut butter."

"Peanut butter for sure," Josh agreed as Tyler got his phone from where it was set up. "We're gonna make all sorts of cookies, just not oatmeal raisin."

"We'll let the reindeer eat those," Tyler muttered, making Josh laugh and grab onto his hand as they walked inside, Jim on their heels.

Tyler looked up at him and smiled as they entered the kitchen, looking to the cabinets and thinking about all the ingredients they needed for their cookie filled afternoon.

"I love you," Josh murmured to him, wrapping his arms around his hips and kissing his neck. He had Tyler trapped in his grasp, making him squirm a bit as he turned around to hear his heartbeat.

"I love you more," he said to his lover, placing a hand on his chest, next to where he let his head rest.

"I love you most," Josh finished, kissing the top of his head and holding him close for a few more moments before letting him go. "Cookie time?"

"Cookie time!" Tyler said excitedly, giggling and running to get his big book of recipes, Jim barking and running after him.

Josh watched him, staring in awe before getting out a large bowl.


"Well.." Tyler laughed a few days later, holding up the Christmas card they made and got delivered to send to other people.

"In my opinion, it's the best one yet," Josh told him, looking at it closer. Jim was looking up at them as they kissed, his tongue hanging out, looking all crazy. Their sweaters all matched, and it totally went with the Christmas vibe that they wanted.

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