backyard boy

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"Hey, nice dress!"

Tyler looked up, his eyes wide at the comment. He was used to being ridiculed about his bright, neon fashion, with slip dresses and chunky shoes and necklaces, but it never failed to register that the boy next door liked it.

A smile was on his face, his hair dyed red and black. His fashion was black button ups, boots, chains, and fishnets, and it never ceased to amaze Tyler at how good he looked.

"Thank you," Tyler murmured, giggling softly. He was looking around for flowers. Not that it was one of his most favorite activities, but that he simply felt like it that day.

The boy next door usually kept to himself and disappeared into the woods after Tyler's daily compliment, but today, he stayed around, watching him curiously. Tyler noticed his hands gripping the chainlink fence nervously.

"Do you want to come over?" Tyler asked after watching him for a few moments, reading his face. He wondered how long he would spend thinking about him. He didn't really think of his neighbor all that much, but he tended to pass through his mind some days, especially when it was rainy.

"Um- um.. sure," he said, and easily hoisted himself over the fence, his boots hitting the ground as he cautiously walked over. It seemed that in his eyes, Tyler was as fragile as the flowers he was holding in his hands.

Tyler watched him, smiling sweetly. "Hi, backyard boy," he said, a small blush on his cheeks. The boy blushed too, though he didn't like to show it as much.

"This is going to sound weird," he said softly, catching Tyler's full attention. He cocked his head, setting the flowers down in his small basket he had brought with him to his backyard. 

"I'm sure it wouldn't be that bad," Tyler mumbled, frowning softly. "What is it?"

"I.." he said, then shook his head. "I think I'm in love with you."

"Love? In love with me?"

"In love.. in love with you, yes."

Tyler's blush was significant now, burning his cheeks. "How could you love me if you barely even know me?" he asked, a little in shock.

The boy sighed. "I don't even know. It's more of a feeling than a thought.. like... like, you just seem perfect from your head to your toes. I've watched you spin around in circles until you fall down and I think, He's really pretty, just for falling down and giggling."

Tyler's heartbeat was rapidly increasing, his giggle soft and sweet. This backyard boy was in love with him, from him just being him?

"Um- um.. thank you," he whispered, hiding his burning cheeks in his hands. Personally, this boy was making him feel all flustered, and he liked it.

"Oh, 'course," the boy murmured, a small smile on his face. Tyler watched him fumble around with his earring, and he wondered if his tummy was flipping as much as his own was.

"Would you like to come in, neighbor boy?" he asked softly, a hopeful look on his face. "I think.. I wanna show you some things."

The boy cocked his head. "Sounds harmless enough.. sure!"

Tyler giggled, leaning down and giving him a small flower. The boy's smile grew widely as he took it, tucking it behind his hair. It made Tyler blush even more before he let him come in his small home.

His eyes were used to the bright colors, but the boy gasped softly when Tyler let him in. Plants and paintings covered the walls, the walls themselves painted bright primary colors. Tyler giggled, taking off his shoes. The boy secretly found it adorable that he was so short compared to when he had his shoes on  but he didn't say that- only focused on the small room.

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