the moon

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They always said the moon was beautiful, that she would be always there for me, but she betrayed me.


Tyler awoke from his nightmare, drenched in sweat. Gasping, he grabbed for his phone, his heart pounding as he turned it on. His screen glowed at him, and he was shocked to see.. the Moon.


look at the moon tonight! it's so beautiful!

Omg the moon is so pretty!

the sky is breathtaking...


The only thing that screamed at him through the endless text messages from people he barely knew were two things; a text from his boyfriend, and an alert.

Do not look at the moon.

Don't? Don't look at the Moon?

He bit his lip, clicking on Josh's contact and calling him. After he didn't pick up, he called him again, looking to his window and hearing distant sirens. He shivered, and suddenly heard, "Ty? Are you there?"

Tyler sighed in relief, his heart still pounding as he responded.

"J-Josh, I just got up from a nightmare and.. what's all this with the- the Moon?" he asked, clutching onto his blankets.

"Baby, don't look at the moon," Josh said, his voice raspy. "I couldn't go to sleep, and I was switching through the channels and whatever you do, do not look at the moon."

Tyler's chest tightened. "B-but.. why? She's always so pretty, Josh, what happens if you look at the Moon?"

He felt like he was on the verge of tears. He loved the Moon, so why couldn't he look at her? She always calmed him down after a nightmare, and now he couldn't look?

"No one knows except those who see it, Ty," Josh muttered. "Keep your curtains closed, don't answer the door, and j-just.. don't look at the fucking moon, Tyler. I can't lose you, baby, please.. this will be over soon."

"Are you saying people will be at my door?" Tyler asked, suddenly horrified. He didn't want someone knocking on his door at two in the morning! All he wanted was to be with Josh right now, in his arms, safe from whatever this nightmare was.

Huh, ironic. He just got up from a nightmare.

"No— no, I don't know. I'm just telling you what the news told me, okay? Stay in your bed, go back to sleep, I don't know."

"You think I can just go back to sleep now?" Tyler scoffed. "I can't look at the Moon when there's all these people telling me to, and there might be people trying to get into my house.. yeah. Sure."

"I'm sorry, baby, you know that's not what I meant."

Tyler sighed, getting back into his covers and frowning. "I hate this. I haven't been up for five minutes and I hate this so much."

"I hate it too, bub," Josh said quietly. "We're just gonna talk it out, alright? I'll fill you in with anything I see."

Tyler could hear a beeping on the TV in Josh's room in the background, like the weather alerts, and he shivered again, closing his eyes as the line was filled with static. He could hear things in the background, on the TV, but not enough. Just the voice.

"The TV is telling me that it's just.. not okay to look at the moon," Josh told him after a moment. "From the officials, so we know this is.. real. Not good."

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