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tw drug use

Tyler wrapped his arms around Josh, kissing his jaw and closing his eyes.

"You look rough," Tyler mumbled, giggling softly. "Guess that's my fault."

Josh hummed, lighting the joint in between his fingers. "Nice of you to notice. Here, bunny."

Tyler smiled, opening his mouth slightly and letting Josh hold up the joint to his lips. He took a drag, closing his eyes and smiling before exhaling.

"Thank you, Joshie," he breathed, kissing his jaw before letting go. "I'm going to go find something to eat."

Josh nodded, watching him leave before taking a drag of the joint and setting it in the ashtray. His eyes wandered through the small room, thinking about his skin that Tyler traced.

"Beautiful tattoos, Josh."

"Thank you, bunny."

He wasn't very fond of his skin. He tended to cover it up.

"Tyler," he called, stepping out of their room and running a hand through his damp hair. "Where's the blanket?"

"Joshie," Tyler giggled, pulling a bag of cheese curls out of the cabinet. "Put some clothes on, silly!"

Josh sighed. "Thanks, bun."

Josh came out into the living room, his eyes searching around for their blanket that they used for cuddling. He found it laying on the couch, and he picked it up, glancing at the cigarette burns in the couch cushions.

He wrapped it around his waist, feeling water from his hair drip down his back. He silently wished that Tyler wouldn't be high all the time, but he couldn't help it. It was an escape for him, and he couldn't do anything except watch from a distance.

Josh had never tried Tyler's drugs. He didn't want to. He kept them in his underwear drawer, in a small paper bag. Pills and tablets, just sitting there. Josh wondered how much shit they'd be in if a police dog ever came through.

He walked back to their room, placing the joint back between his lips before finding boxers to wear. The blanket was placed on the bed, where he would hopefully drift off to sleep as Tyler stayed up.

"Josh," Tyler sighed, coming in. "You're so outta it!"

"Yeah," Josh mumbled, pulling the boxers over his hips. "I am."

Tyler sighed, coming over and wrapping his arms around him. His fingers took away the joint from Josh, placing it between his own lips for a few seconds.

"You're sure you can't stay up with me?" he asked softly, looking at them in the mirror. "It'll be so fun."

Josh detached himself from Tyler, feeling himself shrink. "I don't wanna watch you sweat and drool over a TV until five, Tyler, I'm sorry."

Tyler swallowed thickly. "..right. Sorry."

He put the joint on the ashtray, which Josh told him just to take into the living room. Tyler happily did so, leaving Josh to himself.

He laid in bed, the sounds of the outside world trickling into their small apartment. He had the window open, the stars twinkling and shining back at him as cars passed by.

He faintly heard the TV turn on, which made him turn over on the bed, facing the window and the wall. Photos taped on the wall, plants and stained carpets and littered countertops. Coins, dirty laundry, posters, all of them scattered around the room. As much as he wanted it to feel like home, it didn't.

He wished that Tyler wouldn't get high all of the time.

The blankets were pulled up into him, and he shivered, letting his thoughts devour him.

It was early, very early, when he felt Tyler climb into bed with him, yawning and taking some of the blankets for himself. Josh wondered if he had crashed yet, but he knew that he'd have to deal with it when he finally could sleep.

He felt like he should be guilty for not wanting to take drugs, but he already felt guilty for so many things with Tyler that it didn't matter.

How he let Tyler keep going, keep taking a buying, how he gave into his sex drive even when he didn't want to, how he stayed up for him, everything.

"Night," he heard Tyler mutter, turning and facing away from him. Josh didn't say anything in response, just started out of the window in thought.

He could finally sleep now. Why didn't he want to? The sun was going to start rising soon, so he might as well get some rest while he could.

He closed his eyes, thinking about how much Tyler had changed in the past two years. He used to be such a preppy, well-off college boy, who hung out in the coffee shop that Josh worked at. What happened?

He felt his hands move to his hair, his throat closing up. What the hell had happened?

He had just wanted to be loved.

Rolling over, he placed and arm around Tyler, pulling him close. Just for a moment, everything felt okay. He felt like he had unlocked something again.

"Not right now, Josh," Tyler murmured, working his way out of Josh's grasp and laying away from him.

Josh was feeling used.

He took his arm back and rolled back over, taking a pillow and holding onto it instead.

Sighing softly, he closed his eyes, telling himself to go to sleep and stop worrying so much.

After a while, he fell asleep, the sun barely grasping the horizon. His dreams were based around Tyler, like usual, of him and his episodes.

He just wished Tyler wasn't high so that he could be loved.


not sure how to end this one broken heart emoji

anyway this was based off of the picture i included of rue and jules !

typos, as always, are appreciated if theyre pointed out

love u xx

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