strawberry blond

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tyler chased the butterflies in the meadow, giggling as he felt the grass tickle the bottom of his feet and his calves. the warm spring air bounced around him, making him feel all the good shades of yellow and a bit like a nice sunday morning. meadows during spring always made him the happiest, along with finding small treasures like beautiful flowers to braid into crowns and necklaces and bracelets as signs of affection to mother earth, adorning them carefully as he let the butterflies color him all sorts of shades.

his dress spun around him as he danced through the long grass, chasing after his new friends. nature, where he could be himself, was more home-y than any of the other places he had ever lived. it was always hard to exactly express himself, but the meadows surrounding his small town were the exact fix to any troubles he ever felt. they always welcomed him with open arms, mother earth whispering calming words to him as his purple and blue tears stained his hands, forever weaving the stems over and over, making yet another flower crown for no one in particular.

he tumbled down into a clearer patch, sighing happily and looking up into the sky. the baby blue sky shone down on him, making him smile widely. there was just one thing that would make this experience better, and his mind lingered on the face in his thoughts for a moment.

maybe he should find him, in the meadow, and talk to him. he said he needed some time alone, but.. tyler would feel so much more happier with him.

tyler fought over his thoughts for a moment, whining and pulling at his hair before deciding to just find him so that he wouldn't make himself more upset. he didn't want his cheeks to be all purple blue to josh. he said he hated it when he saw those colors on his face. tyler simply couldn't help it sometimes, the tears rolling down and spashing like watercolors all over everything, but he could hold it for another time for now.

pulling himself up with the help of the butterflies and mother earth herself, he started to skip through the grass again, looking out to the seemingly endless field of grass and flowers and thick, healthy forest. foothills and mountains bordered the horizon, splitting the land from the sky in jagged lines. tyler saw them as nothing less than perfect.

soon, he found josh, lingering in the grass and letting the bees and butterflies depart before approaching him slowly. he shouldn't be bothering him, he told himself, but resisting josh was so hard, especially with his chocolate honey eyes and his perfect smile that was between the colors of orchid and magenta. it made tyler feel dizzy with love, but josh didn't know that. to him, tyler was just another boy.

he felt the comforting sting of the chocolate honey eyes, and he looked up, his heart aching with the heaviness of his sappy love for josh's expression. it was overflowing, dripping down his lungs and stirring up the sticky, sweeter butterflies in his tummy, making him want to dance forever and ever. just a simple look from josh made him go all the shades of yellow, making his cookie jar of happiness suddenly refill. sometimes, he couldn't breathe right, and josh had to help him, which made it better and worse at the same time, but it was okay.

there were only two beings who could have the control over tyler, one being mother earth and the other being joshua. he felt endless love for both of them, and it was angelic to have them both together when he was feeling happy. he truly felt in heaven, if heaven was even a place.

something that made tyler trip over the knots the love laid down in front of him was not only josh's gazes, but his voice. his voice made him feel all the colors that weren't discovered yet, all the words that haven't been invented. something that made up the audible part of josh was so, so important, even more so than his smile and his eyes and his poppy arms that held him close on cold nights. his voice was all he ever needed and more, making him starstruck at just the thought that he was blessed to have his name uttered by the sound.

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