horsing around

149 10 73

i lost interest.

"Jenna, just get on the damn horse!"

Jenna frowns, looking at the horse with Tyler already seated on the top. "We gotta get going now, Jen!"

She huffs, and finally takes Tyler's hand, hosting herself up onto the back of the saddle. Sure, she had ridden a horse before with Tyler, just a trip this long? She didn't know if she could do it. Her sundress bunches uncomfortably as she shifts around, and she lets out a yelp when Tyler starts the horse.

"Calm down," Tyler tells her as she wraps her hands around his waist, the horse going at a steady trot. "He ain't gonna hurt us or anything."

"Why are we even doing this?" Jenna sighs, using one hand to pull down her dress. It was a half a day at least to town, meaning she has to leave the ranch for more than an hour, which she doesn't like. What's worse is that she has to dress up and look nice for boys she doesn't even know. Tyler doesn't agree with it, and neither does she. It's a huge waste of time, in their opinion.

"We're doing it because we hafta," Tyler sighs. "I'm going to speed up, okay?" He warns, and Jenna nods against his shoulder.

Tyler's her best friend. traveling to town with him was the best decision in the moment, but it's definitely boring, having nothing to do all day.

"What if you meet someone in town?" Jenna asks when they're going faster and Tyler had gotten used to the speed. Jenna knows that Tyler isn't a traditional man when it comes to love, but she couldn't care less. It doesn't mean anything to her, as long as it doesn't affect their relationship.

Tyler frowns at the question, wishing it had never left her lips. "I don't wanna think about that, Jen. I don't really need that right now."

"...sorry," Jenna says quietly. Tyler just waves her off. They stay mostly quiet for the rest of the trip, watching the scenery rush by as their horse shakes the ground with every powerful gallop. So what, maybe she and Tyler didn't have the best ways of transportation, Jenna thinks as she watches a train chug along in the distance. It works just fine for them.

By the time they reach town, aka three stops and multiple hours later, their bodies are sore, and the horse is in desperate need of a good rest. Jenna is just about ready to collapse into bed for a good solid seven hours of sleep, but she has to get cleaned up, and then dressed. It's all too much effort.

"Miss Jenna!" her aunt calls, rushing out of their small townhouse as soon as Tyler got her off Buttercup, the horse, with a weak smile and a squeeze of the hand. "Jenna, oh, praise the lord! The angel is here!"

"Nice to see you too, Mrs. Becky," Tyler chuckles, patting Buttercup and straightening his vest. Jenna's Aunt Becky smiles, looking over to him. She was never really introduced to him, but Jenna brought him along everywhere until it seemed like he was part of the family, too.

"Y'all need to come inside and rest up," she says, her voice filled with excitement. "When was the last time you two ate anything hearty?"

Jenna looks to Tyler, rolling her eyes and following her aunt inside, Tyler hesitantly doing the same.

"Aunt Becky, I, uh.." Jenna says quietly as they walk in the door, focused on her aunt and her stomach situation. Tyler listens to them talk, stretching his arms up and yawning. Someone clears their throat, and he looks up before deciding to look back down.

There was a boy at the table.

An attractive boy that he had never seen here before.

He was causally reading the paper, eating a bagel. His hair was brown and curly, and his legs were crossed, his boots cleaner than clean.

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