violent delights

89 6 174

tw blood, sharp objects, death
Tyler knew that one day, he would snap.

It felt like the credits to his own life movie were rolling as he took in everything around him, as he sat on the floor, in his bloody trousers.

See, it wasn't a particularly long story if you told it well enough.

Sorry, officer, I tripped and fell and accidentally stabbed my husband, it really was a mistake.

Tyler licked the dry blood off his lips, staring at the dark red pooling around said person. Jesus, what the hell had he done?

Remember when he was young, when he was naive, and careless? What ever happened to those days? They seemed to pass as fast as they came. Violently delightful while horrifyingly traumatizing.

At least he knew it was going to happen some day.

Really, he had just woken up here. He watched it happen, he knew it did, but then he got tired and fell asleep, like a psycho. Who gets tired after killing a person?

Tyler swore that Josh was moving. He was very obviously dead, but he was moving.

"Stop," he muttered, watching Josh's chest rise and fall. "Stop, stop stop stop! Goddamnit, stop!"

He sobbed, throwing the knife at Josh, which clattered to the ground easily.

Josh's eyes opened slightly, his eyelashes fluttering a bit as he regained his sight.

"Joshua, go away," Tyler said, as serious as he could, cowering in on himself. "Go away, Joshua, leave me alone!"

Josh choked a bit, reaching up to his throat and feeling the blood stain his hand. Tyler shook, wanting him to just die already.

"Don't," Tyler whispered, his voice quivering as the tears dripped down his neck. "Don't do it again!"

"Do what, Tyler?" he heard him say, behind him, and he cried out, turning around for no one to be there. Tyler covered his face, smearing blood with the tears, as he sobbed violently.

"You're so cute, thinking you can just get rid of me," Josh muttered, feeling the blood carefully lift from his body. "You know I'm just coming back.. what's even the point?"

"Joshua!" Tyler wailed, curling up into a tight ball. The phone was only steps away, he could call, he could call..

"Unsuccessful, again," Josh murmured. "Not surprising. What are you gonna do now, try and kill me again? Pathetic."

So close. He had been so close this time, and he still couldn't kill him. Josh was right, he was pathetic.

"I- I'm calling the police," Tyler whimpered, not looking at Josh. "Get the hell away from me!"

Josh chuckled. "Cute. See what they can do, Tyler. We've been over this."

Tyler crawled to the desk, trying to calm himself down to a speaking level. Josh watched him, taking the knife into his hands and moving it around.

A shaky hand reached to the phone, dialing the three numbers and hearing the phone ring.

"9-1-1, what's your emergency?"

Tyler took in a breath, closing his eyes and trying to center hinself as he heard footsteps.

"He's behind me with a knife," he saud shakily. "I thought he was dead but he's not and now he's gonna kill me, he's gonna kill me!"

"Sir, are you-"

"Please just get me away from him," Tyler pleaded hoarsely. "Please, he's going to kill me!"

"We're sending help to your location," she told him quickly. "Please stay on the phone."

Tyler spun around, so close to Josh that he could barely breathe. The knife was raised in the air, and Tyler's breathung stopped.

"P-please, Joshua," he whispered. "Please, you don't know what you're doing...!"

Josh just looked down at him with a murderous smile, giggling and easily plunging the knife into Tyler's chest. Tyler gasped, his hands instantly flying to his chest in pain.

"J-J—Joshua," he whispered, shaking his head.

"What?" Josh asked, pouting. "My little bunny can't run now, hmm?"

Tyler sobbed, the pain becoming so much, too much, coughing and feeling the blood in his mouth.

"P...please," he choked, sinking to the ground. "Don't do this to me!"

Josh opened his mouth, then paused, and looked down at the floor.

"Th.. I- the.. fuck, what's the line?"

The director sighed, yelling out a, "Cut!"

"It's 'too bad, bunny,'" Tyler said with a smile. "Then you finish me off, once and for all. Remember?"

Josh groaned, watching Tyler pop out the fake knife from his chest and lay it neatly on the ground. "Sorry, Bruce," he said to the director, giving him a small smile. "Josh forgets.. a lot."

"Yeah, I see that," Bruce muttered. "Go on lunch, will you?"

Tyler picked himself up, wiping the fake blood from his mouth and sticking his tongue out teasingly at Josh. He helped him up, feeling the blood soaking through his shirt.

"I'll help you practice during lunch, yeah?" Tyler told him. "You're getting so good.."


hi guys!

im gonna try and write at least one more spooky scary oneshot for the month of october!! its the halloween treat from me ig <3 anyway have this twist and have a good day! i lov u :)

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