bubblegum boyfriend

191 11 77

tw- sharp objects, blood, vomit, death

there are typos in this one but i cannot find them for the life of me so if you find them hmu man


"josh, did you get that?"

the boy nodded, tucking his cigarette back in his mouth as he tended to the fries. "loud n' clear," he mumbled.

"tell me, joshua."

"i said, loud n' clear, dumbass!"

josh wasn't a fan of randy.

"what did i say, joshie-boy?"

josh sighed, slamming down his cigarette on the metal table next to the fryer. "don't be rude, don't be disrespectful, and don't smoke."

"follow the rules, josh."

"y'think i want to?!"

randy tried to stop him, but he couldn't, as josh took his now-crumpled cigarette and let it fall into the fryer.

"joshua, you're just making this hard for yourself, buddy."

josh flipped him off, his apron falling to the floor as he untied it and let go, stepping away from its departure and towards the back door.

"if you leave, you can't come back," randy said, his voice calm, cool, collected, like always.

josh really fuckin' hated randy.

"not coming back," josh laughed, almost hysterically. "what a fucking shit-show you guys will be without me."

"we'll be just fine. probably better, even!" randy snorted. "don't try to play smart with me."

"i am smart, dumbass. i know that you'll be a crying mess on this goddamn floor by thursday, just like you were when sofia left-"

randy stepped up to him. "there's where i cross the line, buddy."

"not scared of you, you dumb piece of shit," josh growled. "oh, boo hoo. so what? i bet she was just another sack o' tits to you!"

"stop talking, joshua!"

"and you came to me. all those years of bullying for what? a night where it was all forgotten and you got your drunk ass to mine—"

randy grabbed the collar of his shirt and slammed him onto the wall. not even dazed, josh pushed him off and let him fall to the ground, pinning him down and digging in his back pocket.

randy, with narrowed eyes, tried to get up, to which josh put a hand to his throat, pulling out his switchblade.

randy's eyes went wide, and josh took away his hand, waving it dangerously close to his skin.

"josh, please-"

"don't talk about me, or this situation again, or so help me, your cat will be skinned by morning, kapeesh?"

randy nodded quickly. "k-kapeesh."

"and god forbid, you open your mouth and say one word about me and tyler, you're dead."

"got it."

josh got up and dug his switchblade back into his pocket, straighting his shirt and walking out the back door.

there, waiting in josh's car, was his bubblegum boyfriend, who he loved more than himself.

tyler looked up and waved excitedly. "joshie!" he said through the window. "hi!"

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