Sora X Mute!Female!Reader: Notebook (Part I) (AU)

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(A/N: Sorry If I overuse this picture. I just love it sooo much! Also High School AU! I was also kinda inspired by A Silent Voice, so if you want to ball your eyes out, go ahead. And Sora may be a bit OOC.)

(Slight verbal bullying. At least, I think it would be considered bullying.)

Sora was one of the most popular boys in his school, the second was his best friend Riku. Naturally, multiple girls wanted him to give them attention.

But the only person he wanted attention from never even noticed him.

She was always drawing in that notebook of hers. And she gave the notebook more attention then he would ever get.

Actually, that notebook got even more attention then anything in the entire school!

And he still didn't know why it was so important  to her.

He wanted to find out.

On a sunny Tuesday morning, everyone was sitting in their seats at the beginning of homeroom waiting for their teacher to arrive. 

Sora stood up and went over to the girl. "Hey!"

She looked up at him, a bit startled. She had bright (e/c) eyes and had  (s/h), (l/h), (h/c) hair. Sora actually thought she was pretty cute, but he didn't want to say that out loud.

"Why do you like that notebook so much? You don't pay attention to anything else! Not even your own two feet!"

The girl sunk down into her seat, or tried to.

"It's like you almost worship that thing! Just put it on your wall and be like, "Oh dear notebook! You are the best thing that's ever happened to me!" or something! It's ridiculous!" He paused for a second. "Not like I'd care, but what's your name?"

She turned a page in her notebook and showed him.


"You can just tell me, you know."

(Y/n) shook her head and wrote something else.

"I'm mute."

(A/N:Um...Should I make a part 2 of this?)

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