Jealous!Sora X Mute!Reader X Jealous!Roxas: Jealousy (AU)

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(A/N: High School AU! This is my first love triangle...Oh boy...)

You were hesitant to head into the high school that towered before you. Mainly because you were teased every day, but also because of that boy with the spiky, brown hair and bright blue eyes that seemed to light up whenever he saw you.

You finally made up your mind. You would rather see the brunette than end up being teased, so you headed into the high school.

"Hey, (Y/N)!"

You turned around. It was the blonde haired boy that looked like Sora. "What was his name again?"

He stopped in front of you. "...Did you forget my name again?"

You nodded slightly.

He sighed. "Oh well. I didn't really have time to introduce myself yesterday anyway...My name is Roxas."

Roxas was the new kid that had just arrived yesterday. Everyone kept comparing him to Ventus and Sora, which ticked him off sometimes. Especially if everyone ended up calling him Ven. But Axel and Xion became fast friends with Roxas, so all was well.

You two ended up talking for awhile about home and jokes, completely forgetting about classes. He might even have a bit of a crush on you.

That didn't sit well with Sora.

Not even a little bit.

When Roxas left to get a snack from the vending machine, Sora went up to you. "Hi, (Y/N)!"

You waved at him.

Sora took your hand. "Wanna skip?"

You smiled and nodded.

The two of you headed out the doors of the school, Roxas following close behind. He didn't like Sora hanging around you, and he wanted it to stop.

You and Sora sat on a hill a block away from the school, watching the sunset. "(Y/N)?"

You looked at him.

He suddenly felt nervous. "I've been meaning to tell you this for a while now..."

Roxas was watching behind a tree and glared at Sora. "That bastard! He better not confess before me!"

"I just wanted to tell you I-"

Roxas ran over and took Sora's arm, pulling him to his feet. "Sora and I have to chat. We'll be back before you know it!" He dragged Sora behind the tree.

You sat there, a confused look on you face.

Roxas slammed Sora against the tree. "What the hell are you thinking, confessing to her like that?!"

Sora growled and shoved Roxas away from him. "What the hell were you thinking about following us?!"

You tapped Roxas's shoulder.

He turned around.

You glared at the two boys, angry that they were fighting over you. You huffed and stomped away from them, heading back towards the school.

 Sora checked the time. "The bell's about to!-" A few minutes later the bell rang.

Roxas and Sora sat down on the hill, staring at the sun. "I guess neither of us gets the (girl/boy), huh?"

Sora shook his head. "No, I guess not."

Roxas glanced over at Sora. "...Friends?"

Sora smiled at him. "Friends."

They went home, deciding to put their crush behind them.

(A/N: I'm so mean... :( Anyway, since you didn't get either of them, I'll make it up to you next time, I promise! >_<)

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