Kairi x Reader: Waiting

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"It's pretty boring without (Y/N) here..."

The red-haired girl was sitting on the Paopu tree waiting for her (boyfriend/girlfriend) to come home. Even with Sora and Riku for company, it was still boring.

"Hmm...maybe I can throw a party!...Wait, I did that last weekend...Maybe talk to Namine!...Which I did yesterday...Ah, there's nothing fun to do!"

"Hi Kairi!"

She turned to look at who had spoken, realizing it was Sora. "Oh, hi Sora. What are you up to?"

"Riku's gonna show me how to fish! His dad taught him when he was little, so now he's gonna teach me!"

"Even Sora and Riku have plans with each other...I truly am alone today."

"That's great! Just do one thing for me, okay?"

"Yeah! What is it?"

"Don't fall in." She shoved him off the branch and he landed in the water, the brunette coming up for air a few seconds later. 

"Kairiii! What was that for?" He got out and shook himself, trying to get the water off him.

"It was a great opportunity, so I took it!" She laughed as he tried getting dry by rolling on the sand.

He got up after somewhat getting dry (and some sand) before running to the boats where Riku was. They got in and rowed away.

Kairi sighed and stared out at the ocean.

"What's my favorite girl doing all on her own?"

She turned around and saw (Y/N). "You're back!"

"Yep! Sorry it took so long, some people got in the way." You sat down next to her and kissed her forehead.

"It's okay." You looked at the ocean, Kairi doing the same.

"I'd love to stay with you, even just doing nothing. Because...it means you're here, by my side. You won't leave me, right (Y/N)?"

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