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Are you guys seeing the same thing I am?

*Looks closer at the rankings.* #11 in Roxas...YAY! I'm only 11 stories away from senpai noticing me!

Riku: I don't think that's how it works-

Motivation! #1 in Roxas, here I come! *Runs off to finish drafts.*

Riku: -_- 

Sora: ...At least she's writing again...?

Roxas: What's a senpai?

Aqua: Bri also says thanks for helping her get this far...and sorry for the lack of updates...

Sora: Isn't she supposed to say that?

Not right now, I'm writing! *Working on four drafts at once.*

Ven: At least she's motivated...

Kairi: Also, she hasn't seen/played MoM yet-

Sora: Bri's met the Master of Masters?!

Kairi: No Sora, Melody of Memory...so please no spoilers. Same with Dark Road.

Axel: Geez, she's slacking.

I can still hear you!

Xion: Isn't this supposed to be an A/N?


Everyone: BYE!

*Pokes head in the doorway.* I should hopefully have something out in a week or so at the latest. Now, bye for real!

Kingdom Hearts One Shots Book! (Requests Closed!) (X Reader Ver.)Where stories live. Discover now