Roxas X Male!Reader: Surprise Party (Happy Birthday Part I)

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(A/N: Hi guys! Welcome to the Happy Birthday series! These will be a series of one shots that will celebrate everyone's birthdays and be done with Male!Reader and Female!Readers respectively. After everyone (that I am doing) has had their birthday done, there will be a surprise chapter at the end! I will still accept requests, but they will be done after this series is finished. Enjoy!)

"Happy birthday, Roxas!" Axel messed with Roxas's hair.

The two of them were currently sitting on the clock tower.

"Hey! Cut it out!" Roxas slaps his hand away.

"All right, geez. What's up with you today?"

"I just don't want to be bothered." He started heading towards the steps.

"He's going to his house!"

Axel got in front of him. "Wait! Why don't we go to Neverland and fly around for a little while?"

Roxas was a bit confused. "Okay...?"

"Great!" Axel made a corridor and dragged Roxas into it.

"He can't go to his house yet..."


(Y/N) had called everyone except Roxas (Who was at the clock tower) over to the house he shared with Sora.

"All right, guys! Since it's Roxas's birthday, we're going to throw him a surprise party!"

"Can I have one too since my birthday is tomorrow?!" Sora started jumping up and down.

"No, hyperactive child. Your birthday is TOMORROW. It's Roxas's birthday today."

"Aww..." Sora stopped jumping and left the room sadly.

"I swear, he's just like a puppy..." (Y/N) shook his head. "Anyway, Kairi, Sora (Once he comes back...IF he comes back.) and Riku are going to do the decorations. Aqua, Terra, and Ventus are going to be getting the food. Xion and Namine  are going to do the music."

Everyone was happy with their jobs and went off to do them. Axel raised his hand.

"Yes, Axel?"

"What am I doing?"

(Y/N) smirked. "You are going to do the most hardest job of all: making sure Roxas doesn't come back before 5:00."

"And how am I supposed to do that?"

"Don't worry. You'll think of something." (Y/N) left to go check on Sora.

*Flashback end.*

"It's only 2:00 and I'm already failing..." Axel sighed.

They had been flying around for a while until they saw that Xion was flying around as well. "Hi, Roxas!"

"Hi Xion!" Roxas smiled at her. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm doing the same thing you are, silly!"

Axel cleared his throat. "That's great, but we have to go." He grabbed Roxas's arm and started dragging him away. If you needed someone to spill a secret, Xion was that person. Unfortunately, that wasn't what they needed right now. (Y/N) wanted the party to stay a surprise, not end up being a disaster.

"Wait! Can I come with you guys?"

"No." Axel made a corridor and went into it.

And they ended up right in front of Roxas's house.

"Shit, shit, shit!"  Axel facepalmed.

"Great. Just where I wanted to go." Roxas headed up the driveway.

"(Y/N)'s gonna kill me!"

"Roxas, don't!-"

Too late. Roxas had already opened the door.

Everyone was busy getting everything ready and didn't notice him.

Sora had just left his room and saw Roxas standing in the doorway.

"HEY GUYS!" Sora shouted.

Everyone looked at him in confusion until they saw Roxas standing there.

Sora smiled sheepishly. "Uh...Suprise?"

"What's going on?" Roxas glared at everyone. "And why are you all in my house?"

"Well..." Axel and Xion came up behind him. "We wanted to surprise you on your birthday..."

"And then Axel brought you here 2 hours and 30 minutes early." You glared at Axel.

"I'm sorry, okay? I didn't mean to bring him here! I must've made a corridor while I was thinking about it, and here we are!"

"Well, you guys can still throw me a party. I'll just know about it."

"But then it won't be as fun!" Sora whined.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Roxas sighed. "Then pretend I'm not even here..."

Sora sighed and they continue setting up for the party.

(Y/N) went over to Roxas. "Roxas, I have something to tell you."

"What is it?"

"I was the one who planned this because...I love you. You're one of the most amazing people I know, and you always make me smile when I'm down, even when you don't feel like smiling either. So...Thank you."

Roxas had a dark red blush on his face. "Y-Your welcome, (Y/N). Though you're pretty amazing, too. And if everything happened the way it was supposed to, I still would've loved it. Because it's made by the person I love the most. You."

You both leaned in and kissed. It was short and sweet, but still wonderful. You both pulled away.

"Hey Roxas, wanna have some ice cream and come back later?"

Roxas smiled. "Sure."

The two of you left the house.

Kingdom Hearts One Shots Book! (Requests Closed!) (X Reader Ver.)Where stories live. Discover now