Terra X Short!Reader: Missed Opportunity and Regret

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(A/N: If you get confused about height and the change of the one shot, that's because I had a different idea for this and didn't want to change it. Also BBS isn't my strong suit, but I tried.)

Why was it always about height?

You lived with Terra, Aqua, Ventus, and Master Eraqus ever since you could remember. You don't know your real parents, or if you had any. Eraqus has taken you in as his (son/daughter) and you thought of him as your father.

"Aqua! Can (Y/N) and I go outside?" Ven had dragged you out of bed one morning and ran downstairs so fast you almost fell in your half-awake state. You would never tell Aqua this, but the two of you thought of her as your(mother/older sister).

"I wanna go back to bed..." You rubbed your eyes and glared at Ven who smiled apologetically at you and muttered a, "Sorry (Y/N)."

"What are you two doing up so early anyway?"

You and Terra had never really gotten along. Was it because he was better than you, or maybe something about him bothered you?

No, it was because he was taller than you.

You never really liked how short you were, and you complained about it all the time. After Terra would beat you in a race, a sparring match, whatever it was, he would say it's because he's taller. The fact that you could even tolerate him or his presence was amazing to most people, along with the fact that you could even live with him was amazing.

"I wanna show (Y/N) the stars before you guys have your Mark of Mastery tomorrow!...or later today, I guess." Ven's excitement was usually contagious, but you were still sore about losing to Terra yesterday.

"All right. Just make sure you don't lose to Ven like you lost to me yesterday!" Terra smirked at you.

If only you told him your feelings before everything went downhill...Instead of focusing on your anger like you were in that moment.

"That son of a-!"

You growled at him and ran out of the room, determined to beat Ven at a race. Unfortunately for you, Ven had already left and was sitting at the edge by the time you got there.

"Sorry, (Y/N). I already had a head start..." He rubbed his neck and looked up at the stars.

"It's okay, Ven." You sighed and did the same, Terra and Aqua joining you soon after.

It was silent as the four of you continued star gazing until Ventus asked a question, one that you wonder about all the time, if things would have gone differently, if Terra had become a Master, if Terra wouldn't have become a pawn:

"Do you think we'll stay together like this?"

And now, clutching your (color) wayfinder to your heart and watching Terra walk away from you, the question changed, one that probably would have saved him:

"Should I have told him about my feelings?"

Regret was all that you had as he left the Land of Departure.

Written on: March 7, 2020

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