Marluxia X Female!Reader: Flower

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(A/N: This is from my account.)

Y/N sighed. "Just another day in the Organization," She mumbled to herself. There was supposed to be a meeting the day before about Castle Oblivion and who would be going, but it was postponed due to Demyx getting water everywhere. So they were having it today instead. You went into the Grey Room(A/N I love the name throne room better if you ask me.) and sat in your seat. ...Or that's what you were planning on doing. Instead you were interrupted by Larxene getting in your way.

"Aww...Feeling lonely without her boyfriend here?"

You glared at her. "Marluxia's not my boyfriend!" Yes, you had a crush on the flower-loving Nobody. How Larxene knew, you had no idea. "Wait...Did Xion tell you?" Xion was the only person she trusted with this type of information. If she told Larxene, Xion was gonna be in HUGE trouble.

Larxene grinned. "Maybe...Oh! There he is now!" She pointed behind you.

You turned around and saw nothing. You turned around to say something, but Larxene started kicking and punching you. Until...

."HEY!" Marluxia ran over and shoved Larxene out of the way and picked you up. "What the hell are you doing to my flower?"

Larxene glared at him. "I was harming her until YOU showed up!"

"Don't touch my flower again, or I will kill you!" He took Y/N to his room and set her on the bed then sat next to her. "She must have fallen asleep," He thought. He laid down next to her and wrapped his arms around her protectively. "I love you my flower, and I will always protect you."

"I love you too..." You said sleepily.

He smiled and kissed you on the forehead and went to sleep.

*Extended Ending.*

The next day you saw Xion on her way to the Clock Tower and grabbed her shoulders. "Did you tell Larxene?"

Xion gulped and said, "Y-Yes? B-But she threatened to tell everyone that I like Roxas!" She covered her mouth.

You sighed. "Just don't do it again..."

"Also I took pictures of you two yesterday!"

You glared at her.

Xion gulped and ran off. "Bye!"

"XION! GET BACK HERE!" You chased after her and sighed. You should really tell someone else next time...

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