Riku X Reader: Other Worlds (Kingdom Hearts III Ending Spoilers!)

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(A/N: I'm sorry to have you guys wait for over a month, and I'm sorry that this isn't a request. This probably isn't as good as usual due to not writing for this fandom for a while. I have no ideas at all and I'm stuck in a pit that is the Star Wars fandom. And to hear me say that about KINGDOM HEARTS is very upsetting. I also have Star Wars one shot books, too-)

When you walk away

You don't hear me say,

"Please, oh baby, don't go."

Simple and clean is the way that you're making me feel tonight

It's hard to let it go.

"What do you mean there are other worlds out there?" You looked at Riku in confusion.

"I didn't say there was, I just said that I wanted to explore them, to see every world that there is. And I want you to come with me."

You were so surprised you almost fell off that tree everyone likes to sit on. "Me? Why me? I'm not as important as Sora or Kairi...why do you think I'm special now?"


"Go on without me. You'll probably have more fun with those two than me."

"That's not-"

You jumped off the tree and started walking back to your house, but turned around. "Come back and ask me again when you truly mean it."

Riku didn't reply as he watched you leave.


That was two years ago.

During that time, Riku had come back a few times and tried telling you the same thing. And every time, you refused.

Until you heard what happened to Kairi. About Sora risking his life for her.

Briefly you wondered if Riku would do that for you, then erased that thought from your mind noticing the silver-haired man come up to you.

"Any luck on finding Sora?"

He shook his head. "Kairi's pretty devastated about it, but she believes he'll come back."


"What do you mean by that? Don't you miss him too?"

"I've missed you, idiot!"

Riku didn't understand what you meant. "(Y/N), what are you talking about? I'm here now."

"When I walked away from you, I wanted to go so badly. But I didn't want to leave my parents, and I was jealous of Sora and Kairi for taking you away from me. So I figured why not stay here? What's the harm of letting him go on dangerous adventures with Sora?"


"But at the same time, I wanted you to force me to go. I wanted to travel the worlds with you. I wanted to see the sights, the sounds, taste the food, fight bad guys, be your girlfriend/boyfriend-" You stopped talking after realizing what you said.

"Opps. Maybe I was a bit into it."

Riku said nothing for a few seconds, then: "You like me, huh?"

"Well, yeah." Mentally hitting yourself seemed like a great idea right now.

"I like you too, and I wanted you to come as well, though I respected your decision not to. It killed me not having you by my side, though."

You giggled and kissed his cheek. "Then let's go."

He took your hand and you two left Destiny Islands for an amazing adventure.

Kingdom Hearts One Shots Book! (Requests Closed!) (X Reader Ver.)Where stories live. Discover now