Riku X Reader: Car Troubles (Pen Pals Part II) (AU)

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(A/N: Yes, you can drive. You're welcome. Coffee Shop AU.)

(Y/n sighs as they drive to Starbucks.

"I wonder what he'll look like?"

Sure, they described each other as best they could in letters, but it still left (him/her) curious.

Soon (She/He) arrived at Starbucks. (He/She) got out of their car and looked at their watch.

"Where is he?"

Riku ended up getting a ride from Axel. He was an...Interesting driver.

"Um , Axel?"


"...You passed Starbucks 30 minutes ago."

Axel cursed and made an illegal u-turn. Hopefully nobody saw that. "Why the hell didn't  you tell me sooner?!"

"Because I wanted to see your reaction." Riku was laughing.

Axe flicked his forehead. "Idiot...Now I know how Isa feels..."

Then they heard sirens. 

(Y/n) tapped their foot impatiently when a Moogle went over to them. "Letter!"

"...I thought you sold items?"

"We also have a delivery service, kupo!"

(Y/n) sighed and took it from the Moogle, then opened it up.

"Why's Riku sending me a letter now?"

(He/She) read the letter:

Dear (Y/N),

Um...I kinda got into a bit of car trouble...But I'll be there soon. Just get a (favorite drink) and sit at a table. I'll be there before you know it!


You highly doubted that, but went into Starbucks anyway. "Hello. Could I get a (favorite drink), please?"

"Of course! It'll be done in a jiffy!" The person running the counter smiled at you and left. 

"There was something familiar about that smile..."

 (Y/n) sat down at a table near the window and waited.

"I hope he gets there soon..."

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