Riku X Reader: Pen Pals (Part I) (AU)

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(A/N: High School AU! For the first part, anyway.)

"Seriously Riku? You don't have to write a letter to her/him every day! It's once every month!"

"Says the person who writes letters to Sora every chance she gets."

"Whatever." Kairi left.

Riku sighed in relief. 

"Finally. I thought she'd never leave."

He continued heading toward the front office where the mailbox was.

The secretary smiled at Riku as he came in. "Hello, Riku. Here to deliver a letter to your princess/prince again?"

He blushed a light pink. "Yeah, yeah..."

He put the letter in the mail slot then left after saying bye to the secretary.

"I wonder if she/he got it..."

*A few days later.*

(Y/n) went to her/his mailbox to get the mail. When she/he opened it, a smile appeared on her/his face.

"It's from Riku!"

(Y/n read the letter.

Dear (Y/n),

I've been meaning to tell you this for a while, but...I don't really know how to say this, so...Um... I like you. Even though we only started writing to each other a couple weeks ago. And I've been sending you a letter every day. But I'd like to meet you in person. How about Starbucks on Saturday? What do you say?


(Y/n) squealed and ran inside the house to write a response.

Dear Riku,

Of course I'll meet you in person!  And I like you too. I feel sad when a day passes by without getting a letter from you. It ruins my day...But when I do get a letter, it makes me so happy! I can't wait to see you Saturday!


Riku folded up (Y/n)'s letter and put it inside his desk, then got into bed and fell asleep.

"I can't wait to meet (Y/n) in person tomorrow..."

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