Young Xehanort X Reader: Boredom

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"Why do you always make me tag along with you?"

"You didn't have to come if you didn't want to, (Y/N)." He smirked. "And I didn't make you tag along, you wanted to."

You scoffed and turned your head away from him.

Xehanort ended up getting in trouble by Master, and you were guilty by association. So naturally you got in trouble too. The Master decided to put the two of you in detention. Or as Xehanort called it "Hell." He was tossing paper balls into a trash can for entertainment.

"Xehanort, can you stop? I'm trying to read." You were reading (favorite book) that you got from the library.

"You and Eraqus are so boring..." He sighed and headed over to the window.

"Master said to stay at our desks."

"Well, Master isn't here." He sat down on the ledge and looked at the chess board then at you. "Wanna play chess?"

"No thanks. I'd rather read."

He went over to you and started dragging you over to the window. "I'm bored, so entertain me with a game of chess."

You sighed and your book fell from your hand and onto the floor. "Fine..."

Xehanort started setting up the game after you put your book away.

*A while later.*


You groaned, slamming your head onto the board causing some pieces to fall onto the floor. "I give up..."

"See? You are boring." "But you're also cute, too."

"No I'm not!"

"Yes you are."

You growled and got up in his face so you were a few inches apart. "What was?-"

He cut you off by kissing you. You were too shocked to do anything and he pulled away a few seconds later. "Now that was entertaining."

"So is your boredom gone?"

"Not quite." He kissed you again with you kissing back this time. You pulled away after a couple minutes. "Can we get in trouble more often?"

He smirked. "Absolutely."

Kingdom Hearts One Shots Book! (Requests Closed!) (X Reader Ver.)Where stories live. Discover now