Shy!Namine X Male!Reader/Slight!SoKai: Drawings (AU)

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((A/N: Hi...Sooo since I have no ideas for the Happy Birthday series right now, have a Shy!Naminé x Male!Reader! After this, I will continue the Happy Birthday series. Also,High School AU!)

Naminé was in art class drawing a puppy when the art teacher came in.

"All right, students. Today you will be drawing someone in your life that is important to you. After you are finished, please wait for further instructions."


Her gaze went over to Sora before landing on the male next to him.

"He seems important...All right, I'll draw him!"

She started drawing.

-With Sora and (Y/N)-

"Sora, why are you even in here?" (Y/N) was starting to get annoyed with Sora since all he talked about was Kairi. 

"So I can draw Kairi!" He grinned and started drawing.

(Y/N) sighed. It was so obvious that he had a crush on her. He looked around the room for someone to draw. He turned around and saw a girl with blonde hair and blue eyes looking at him. They looked away from each other, blushing slightly.

"Maybe I can draw her. She seems interesting enough." He started drawing.

After ten minutes, the teacher got everyone's attention. "All right, now give the picture to the person you drew!"

Sora started choking. (Y/N) rolled his eyes as he patted Sora's back, knowing he was faking. "WHAT?!"

"You heard me, Sora."

"Fine..." He got up and went to find Kairi who was currently hiding in the closet. She was about ready to die from embarrassment.

(Y/N) left to find that girl from before.

"Um..." Someone tapped his shoulder.

(Y/N)) turned around to see the blonde haired girl. "Hi."

"H-Hi..." She gave (Y/N) the picture she drew and quickly walked away.

"Wait!" He followed Naminé back to her table.

She turned around. "You don't like it, do you..."She looked down and was about to start crying.

"N-No! I mean yes, I do like it!"

She looked up at him. "Really?..."


She shyly kissed his cheek and walked away, taking his picture. "You're not a bad drawer yourself."

Then the bell rang.

"WAHH!" Kairi and Sora fell out of the closet.

The teacher glared at them.

Sora waved a little. "Uh...Hi?"

(Y/N) went over to Naminé grabbed her hand. "Come on. Let's leave them alone."

Naminé smiled a little. "All right."

They left the classroom.

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