Riku X Reader: Arrival/Date (Pen Pals Part III) (AU)

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(A/N: Sorry If it seems like I'm dragging this on. Coffee Shop AU.)

After Axel talked to the officer and got a ticket for speeding, he also got two more: One for driving without a seatbelt, and another one for making an illegal U-turn. Then the officer got back in his cruiser and drove away.

Riku sighed. "You sure got hit hard, huh?"

"Yeah, but I'm still driving. And your still going on you're little date."

"Axel!" Riku's face was red. "Jet get driving before I give YOU a ticket for tardiness!"

"All right, all right. I'm going." He drove off.

(Y/n) had been waiting patiently for an hour now, but he still hasn't shown up. And (he/she) also finished their second cup of (favorite drink). Just when (she/he) was about to give up hope, Riku ran into Starbucks. Or rather, he ran into the door, and THEN ran into Starbucks.

Axel snickered while watching him run into the door, then drove away.

"(Y/n)! Sorry I'm late!"

You glared at him as he sat across from you. "Where were you?"

"Um...A friend of mine was driving me, and he got pulled over for a while."


"Yeah...I'm gonna go get some ice coffee." He got up and left for a few seconds, then came back, ice coffee in hand. "Here." He also had another cup of (favorite drink) in his other hand.

"How did he know I wanted another one?" You took it from him as he sat down again.

"So..." Riku really didn't know how to start a conversation. That was Sora's job. Unfortunately for him, Sora wasn't here at the moment. Then he looked over at the person serving the drinks. "Wait a minute..."

You looked over there too. "Sora?" You two said in unison.

Sora smiled sheepishly at the two of you. "Hi..."

"What are you doing here?" Riku glared at his best friend.

"Well, I heard you were meeting the person you wrote letters to, and I wanted to see how it would go. So I got a job here about a week ago, and here we are!"

Riku had an irk mark. "SORA!" Riku chased him around the room.

(Y/n) giggled and ran after Riku.

"HEY!" Sora's manager came out of his office and glared at them.

"Sorry..." Sora rubbed his neck nervously.

They stopped running. Riku grabbed (Y/n)'s hand and ran out of Starbucks.

Y/n) blushed. "Um, Riku?"

"Yeah?" He stopped running and looked at (him/her).

You kissed his cheek. "You're adorable when angered."

Riku stared at (Y/n) for a few seconds until he comprehend what was said, then his face burned. "Shut up!" He ran off.

You ran after him. "I didn't get to actually to kiss you yet!"

"Too bad!"

"So...are we a thing now?"

He stopped running causing you to bump into him. "If you want to be."

"All right." You kissed him, for real this time. He pulled away after a few minutes, then looks at his watch and starts to calls Axel. Then he changes his mind. "...You just wanna go to my house?"

"Sure." You two headed to Riku's house.

(A/N: Done! Now onto other one shots! I actually didn't know how to end this, so I ended up making it longer. XD Remember to request on the request page only! Thanks for reading! Bye!)

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