What could go wrong? PT. 1

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Cub has been pretty bored ever since Scar started working on area 77 wit Doc. Sure, they still spent time together, but not as much as they used to. Normally they would get up to all kinds of shenanigans together.

In his boredom, Cub decided to start some mischief on his own and he just so happend to be next to a potion stand while thinking about all the possible ways he could mess with the other hermits.

Not being able to think of anything else, he decided to go with the potion idea.

"What could go wrong?", Cub mumbled to himself while starting to gather some ingredients.

If Scar was around he would probably list a bunch of things that could go wrong, but he wasn't there to stop his friend, nor did he even now what he was doing.

After a while of brewing and mixing potions, Cub decided to try them out. Now he just needed some "vulantary" testsubjects.

He secured the potions in his inventory and took to the sky, heading into the direction of the shopping district.

As he arrived he could see Grian, Iskall and Mumbo exit the Sahara warehouse, they probably just had a meeting or something.

Cub saw this as a perfect opportunity and threw a couple of potions at the unsuspecting Architechs.

A loud shattering noise and a splash could be heard as a cloud of colourful smoke covered the three men. This was soon followed by screams.

Cub did not expect them to scream, he didn't really now what he expected. He had no idea what the potions would do, why did he do this?!

Oh, right... he was bored and didn't have Scar around to remind him of basic rational thinking.

Cub mentally facepalmed befor landing infront of the bright cloud on the ground, trying to see what was happening to the others.

The screams died down quickly and the thick smoke started to fade away.

Cub did not expect to see what he did. The three guys had turned into hybrids! He didn't know how to react at all! He started to panic, his thoughts racing in an attempt to find a solution to this rather peculiar problem.

His train of thought wa soon interrupted by a growl that came from the three Architechs, or well one of them at least.

Iskall was glaring at Cub, with venom in his eyes. Another low growl escaped his throat. He had two cat like ears on his head, but they were bigger than regular cat ears and had small riffs of fur at the end. He was a lynx hybrid.

"You...", Iskall sounded even more intimidating than he normally does as he poured at Cub. "What the nether did you do?!"

Cub was to sacred to awnser, he was frozen in fear.

Mumbo took notice of this and tried to call his swedish friend down. Mumbo also had cat like ears, but they were actualy that of a cat, Cub could also see a cat tail swishing from one side to the other in a nervous manner.

As Mumbo dragged Iskall to the side to calm him down, Cub finally focused on the shortest of the three Architechs.

Grian looked confused to say the least. He looked up at Cub and tilted his head to the side a little.

Grian had two big, bird-like wings on his back, they were a dark brown that faded into a lighter colour at the tips.

G finaly started to speak after he had calmed the small anxiety attack that came with the potion landing on his head.

"What happend, Cub?", Grian made eye contact with the him, Cub did his best to avert it tho.

"Uhm, I might have tested a new potion on you guys...", his voice was a bit shaky, even tho he knew he didn't have to be scared of the shorter male.

"And why didn't you just ask us? You know, like a normal person would?", Grian asked.

"I got bored and wanted to prank someone, you guys were the first people I saw..." Cub felt ashamed of himself as the word left his mouth and looked at the ground.

"Oh, that's understandable!", Grian chuckled a bit, he knew what it was like to start prancing people out of boredom, Heck! He started an whole prank war out of boredom!

Cub did not expect an answer like that, but was relieved to say the least.

Then he remembered the angry Architech that was standing of to the side. Mumbo did his best to calm Iskall down, but he was still glaring at Cub.

He had heard Cub and Grian talking and he obviously didn't share the winged man's opinion.

Iskall stomped over to Cub with Mumbo hurrying behind him to make sure no-one would get hurt.

After much discussing and alot of convincing Iskall to NOT kill Cub, they came to an agreement.

Cub would do his best to make an antidote to the potions that were flying through the air a while ago and the Architechs would stay at the at the ConCorp Countryclub, so that the other hermits wouldn't see them.

Well, at least that was the plan...


873 words

Yup, you read correctly, Part 1 I'm going to make a Part 2 soon :V

Bye, bye for now my little bees~

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