Burnt out

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Iskall had been woriking in and on Sahara for ages now.

Repairing the redstone, restoking Sahara Now, restoking regual Sahara, grinding recourses to restock Sahara with-- The list goes on and on.

He couldn't remember when last slept, he only knew that he was exhausted beyond believe. And it showed.

Iskall was sitting in the meeting room, his head on the table amd dark circles under his eyes.

The cold surface of the large wooden table was soothing, as he tried to forget about the migrane that was reeking havoc in his head.

He let out a low groan as he heard the sound of fireworks, which was soon followed by the tapping of footsteps.

"Hey, are you alright?", a concerned british voice asked.

Iskall lifted his head to look at who was speaking, but regreted it instantly as the pounding in his head got worse and he started to feel dizzy.

Grian looke at his friend with a worried expression, not sure how to help. He asked again, but this time trying to keep his voice low.

"Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, I just have a bit of a headache."

"See I'm okay!", Iskall tried to prove his point by standing up, but he failed miserably.

As soon as he stood up, his world started to spin and he had to grab the table to stop himself from falling.

Grian looked almost paniked as he rushed over to help his friend and co-architech stand.

"You are NOT fine!", Grian exclaimed, "Come on, let's get you somewhere comfy to rest."

And with that the two men walked down to a more privat area of the building.

There was already a pile of pillows and blankets, from the last time the architechs spent the night at Sahara.

Grian gently sat Iskall into the comfort-pile and let him lay down.

Gri left for a second, but soon came back with a bottle of water and some snacks.

"Here, eat and drink something and then get some sleep. But please have a proper meal once you wake up!"

"You sound like a worried mother-hen", Iskall chuckled as he accepted the the water and the snacks, quickly gulping down half of the bottle.

Grian only shoock his head and giggled slightly: "How else am I suppose to react when you're in a state like this?"

He didn't get much of a replie, as Iskalls mouth was already stuffed with the snacks that Gri had brought him.

After Iskall had swalloed his food, he looked at Grian and asked him: "Thanks, G-Man, one more thing though. Could you bring me some painkillers for my headache?".

"Sure thing!"

Grian dissapeared again, before coming back with a pack of pills.

"Here! Only take one though, they are pretty strong."

"Thank you."

Iskall accepted the package gratefully and took one of the pills.

"Well, you should try to sleep now.", Gri said as he took the pack of pills back as well as some wrappers from the snacks.

Grian left and as soon as the medicine started to kick in, Iskall fell asleep.


Don't mind me, just venting by writing bad oneshots--

Bye, bye my little Bees~

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