Flower crowns

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It had been a very stressfull day for the two men, both of them had been working hard on fixing Sahara after the latest incident with the Redstone.

They were exhausted and decided to go on a walk together, in an attempt to forget about their stress.

As Grian and Mumbo walked, they stumbled across a small flower field. It was filled with all sorts of flowers and right next to a lake as well.

They agreed to settle down for a break and rested in the shade of a close by birchtree.

They were looking at the water in a comfortable silence. The two men had been friends for long enough that silence wasn't an uncomfortable thing anymore, it was nice and relaxing.

Mumbo could see Grian working on something from the corner of his eyes. He turned towards the shot blond and looked at what he was holding.

"What are you doing that?", Mumbo asked, curiosity taking over his voice.

Grian was holding a bunch of flowers in his hands, connecting the to each other until they formed a kind of ring.

Without answering his moustached friend, Grian set the newly made flower crown onto Mumbos head.

Said man was startled for a second, befor realizing what happend and chuckling a bit.

He started to pick some flowers himself and quickly made a second flower crown.

He sat the slightly smaller crown onto Grian's  head, a smile on both of their faces.

They continued to spend the evening by the small lake, until the sun started to set and they decided to go back home.

They kept the flower crowns on their heads as they stroled through the shopping district, not caring if they were seen by the other hermits.

They just enjoyed eachothers company, until they had to say goodbye.

After wishing a good night, they each headed into their own base and went to sleep. The stress of the day had been washed away and was replaced with a quiet and calming feeling of happiness.


his one shot was requested by Fokal-Leaf !
I hope You like it!

Bye, bye for now my little bees~

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