escaping the darkness

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(The song doesn't have to do anything with the story, I was just listening to it while writing this)

He was running, he couldn't even remember why, all that he knew waa that he had to keep running.

He didn't dare look back, he was to afraid of what he would see.

Around him was nothing but an endless void, filled with small white specks. There were voices, but they were to quit for him to understand, only a soft murmur filling the empty space.

He tripped, over what, he was not sure.

Now he was falling, but he didn't scream, he couldn't screm, no matter how much he wanted to.

Who knows how much time passed as he was falling.

Seconeds, minutes, hours, days, it could have been a year for all he knows.

But the voices were getting louder and louder until...

"Please wake up...."

"I need you by my side!"


Sobs filled his brain. Were they his own or did they belong to that voice?

He didn't know why, but he wanted to calm them down, help them, hold them close. But how?

He tried to reach out, but he wasn't sure what or who he was reaching out for.

Cold tears started to run down his face as he continied falling.

He didn't want to fall anymore, he wanted to be with them.

But he couldn't stop.

He kept falling until he hit the ground.

He was still in that empty void, bit the white specks that were once dancing around him began to fade.

"NO PLEASE, just hold on a little longer!"

The voice called out for him, begging him to hold on, to wake up, to come back.

But just like the small white dots, the voice was fading.

Rushed footsteps approched, but everything felt so distant.

Now everythingwas dark and quiet, everything was cold and empty.

He struggled to stay awake, but just as his eyes closed, his last breath escaped his lungs and hewas gone...

The voice kept crying, kept screaming, but the others were dragging him away. As an older looking man and a creeper hybrid, both wearing lab cotes, leaned over his short friend.

Behind him was a swedish man with a beared and a diamond eye, he didn't hesitate to pull him into a hug, burring his face in the others shoulder.

"I'm so sorry.", the man said with a heavy swedish accent.

Another person joined the two who were trying to rescue his best friend, a man in a green full body suit of armor. He pulled up a few screen and seemd to check for any life signals.

But it was already to late...

Deep down they all knew that, but theh didn't want to give up. So they continued to do whaterver they could. Everything from magic to science.

Meanwhile, the one who had been calling out to his friend, was still shaking, sobs still stuck in hie throat as he struggeled to calm his breathing.

His bearded friend was looking at his face, trying to calm him down. But how was he suppose to calm down, when he just watched his beest friend die?

Another chocked sob escaped his trembling lips.

"HE IS BREATHING!", the creeper hybrid exclaimed enthusiastically.

"His heart is beating again as well.", the one with the green aromor added.

"Keep going."

The bearded one nodded and continued to focus his magic on the smaller male they were trieing to rescue.

All of a sudden, hope filled the lungs of the crying man. His breathing turned somewhat normal as he stared at his friend, he still looked so lifeless, but the soft rising and falling of his chest said otherwise.

Slowly, his eyes opened up. The light of the full moon was almost blinding comlared to the drakness he was stuck in mere momemts ago.

"He is waking up!", the adminin green armor said.

Who was he again? His clouded memory  struggled  to remember as it clawed its way back into his head. His head was hurting like hell, but he wanted to remember, he had to.

X... Xi... Xisuma? Yeah, that was it, the one in green was Xisuma.

The creeper hybrid... Doc? He silently thanked the creeper for having a short name.

Doc was holding the shoulder of another, ver exhausted looking man... Cub. Another short name... thanks.

Bis eyes started to adjust to the sof light around him, but he didn't have much time to get used to his positon on the ground, as a man with a suit and a moustache pulled him up to hug him.

"Be careful, he's still waking up!", Xisuma warned.

The tall moustached man had an apocalyptic look in his eyes as he lowered the shorter male down again, letting him use his legs as a pillow.

The shorter one with the red sweater looked up at the blurry face that had just hugged him. M....Mumb.... Mumby? That didn't sound quite right, but somehow it felt like that was what he was supposed to call him....

"Mumby....?", his voice sounded weak and confused.

A gentle smile appeared on the othera face. "Yes, Grian?", one could still se the dried tears on his face, but he looked happy nonetheless.

"Mumby...", his voice was slowly regaining it's streangth as he reached out to the other. The moustached man took his hand and gave it a comforting squezze "I'm here Gri."

Xisuma continued to check the screens, making sure that Grian would stay stable. A hevy but satisfied sigh left his lungs as he let the screens fade away, his friend was safe.

The ones standing around looked at Grian and Mumbo as they continued to look at each other, soft smiles on everyones faces.

Grian slowly got up, pulling his hand away from Mumbos and putting his arms around his chest insted, holding tha taller male in a tight hug. "Mumby...", his voice was muffledby the others suit, but you could still tell that his voice was back to it's normal self, even if it wasn't filled with the mischievous tone it normally had.

Mumbo, hugged him back. "I'mso glad to have you back, Grian...."


Ok, awkward ending, but I didn't know what else to write.

Dose this count as angst? Well it was suppose to be, but I couldn't help myself and wrote a happg ending xD

Oh well...

Bye, bye for now my little bees~

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