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warning: mention of blood, throwing up, and pain


He was sitting in his base hiding in a corner and leaning against the cold concrete walls, in an attempt to soothe his pain.

It all started during the prank war.

Grian and Doc had each formed their own team, each leading theirs in a unique way.

Grians team concentrated on defense, building a huge futuristic base with uncountable amounts of defence systems.

Docs team concentrated on offense, planing one attack on the enemy team after the other, never giving enough time to rebuild everything.

Grian admirered Doc's strategys and grew fond of him, back then he didn't know what rabbit hole he had fallen into.

After the war had passed, Gri tried to get closer to Doc, but he never managed to get through to him. Never managed to get past Docs cold exterior.

But he knew that Doc could be increadibly kind, Grian had seen it time and time again, as Doc defended his friends and was there for them.

It didn't seem like the future had kind plans for Grian.

He slowly started to feel sick, blaming it on exhaustion in the beginning, until something happened that made his blood freeze.

He had coughed up a couple of yellow petals. Grian knew what this meant, he had lost one of his old friends to this disease and he knew how to save himself, but also that there waa no way for him to get Doc to fall in love with him.

Yes, Grian had fallen in love with Doc, his admiration for the creeper hybrid had only grown stronger since the end of the war.

Skip ahead to the whole hippies vs area 77 thing.

Grian was trying his best to catch Docs attention, but it seemed like it was all for nothing, as his sickness got worse and he started to throw up entier flowers, all of them full with his own blood.

One late evening, while Grian was working within the hippie commune, Ren caught Grian coughing up petals.

It took a while to understand, but soon Ren was filled with worrie for his shorter friend. He wanted to help him, but he simply didn't know how.

So the only thing he could do, was watch one of his close friends wither away.

Back in the present, Grian is still sitting in the corner, crying as the pain inside his chest grew stronger with every passing seconed.

All of a sudden, footsteps could be heard, echoing through the emptie concrete halls.

"He must be here somewhere", Grian heard a familiar voice, it was Ren, but who was he talking to?

"We need to find him and help him, before it's to late.", a rough voice with a german accent...

'But why was he here? Why would he care? Did Ren tell him? Did Doc figure it out?' No, it can't be, Grian had never told Ren who he was in love with.

But Ren did tell Doc what condicion Grian was in, in hopes that the creeper would know how to help. And he did, they needed to find out who Grian was in love with, in order to help their friend.

Doc might have not shown it, but he had grown fond of Grian. The short builder had never failed to amaze him. It sometimes felt like Gri had built all those amazing structures just for Doc.

If only he knew how true it was.

The two men ran through the futuristic tower, following the sound of sobbing and uncontrolled breathing.

They had finally found him, there he was sitting in a corner, his knees pulled up to his chest as he cried tears of dissppare.

Ren and Doc rushed over quickly, the latter picking up the short hermit and holding him in his lap.

Grian couldn't help but keep crying the pain had become to much for him to handel, he just wanted it to end, no matter the price.

The two others exchanged worried glances as they tried to calm their friend.

"Please G, let us help you!", Ren said, his voice laced with panic.

"N-no, no, no, no--", Grians voice was shacky and broken, managing nothing but a repeated 'no'.

Doc cut him of: "Please, just tell us who you love, we'll help you!".

Grian went quiet, 'so Doc knew about the hanaki desies...'

"Please...", Doc looked into Grians eyes, worrie and sadness filling his own.

The once glowing blue orbs he had fallen in love with were now dull, almost gray.

"Please...", he repeated himself, tears forming in the corner of his dark creeper eye, as the light of his robotic eye started to flicker and fade.

He couldn't lose the one he loved, he had to save him, even if it meant not being with him.

"Plea--", Doc was interupted by a quite voice, so quiet that he almost didn't hear it.


Doc couldn't belive what he had just heared, could it be true? Or was his mind playing a cruel trick on him?

"W-What?", was the only thing the creeper hybrid managed to mutter.

"I-I love you, Doc...", Grians voice was still very weak amd his eyes began to fill up with tears once more, as he thought Doc wouldn't return his feelings.

But those thoughts were shattered not even a second later, as lips met his own. Grian opened his eyes in surprise onlu to see Doc kissing him, holding him closer than anyone had done ever before.

Grian melted into the kiss, the pain that was torturing him slowly fading into nonexistence.

Ren smiled, looking at the two people he loved like brothers, happy that he could finally stop worrying. He left, giving them time and space for their own.

Doc and Grian seperated their lips, catching quick breaths, gazing into eachothers eyes with nothing but love and affection for the other.

"I love you too, Grian."


There you go!
I decided to give this one a happy ending, 'cause heck- Grian was killed by the hanaki disease way to many times--

Bye, bye for now my little bees~

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