Cookies and Kisses

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EX entered the same bakery he went to every morning. It was a small bakery with a few comfy seats and tables, making it a petite café as well.

He enjoyed coming here early in the morning before he had to face the troubles of everyday life, always ordering the same thing, a cup of tea and big chocolate chip cookie. EX normally isn't much of a morning person, but the sweet smell of the bakery and the even sweeter smile of the short boy working behind counter were worth it.

NPG was his name, the younger brother of one of the owners, who were friends with EXs brother Xisuma.

EX steped up to the counter, a wide smile greeting him like everyday. "Hello Exy!", NPG greeted using the nickname he gave his favorite patron. "The usual,", EX was never a man of many words, but NPG didn't mind. "Of course!", NPG turned around and got to work on the order, "What do you have anything special planned for today?".

"No, nothing really, I have today of. What about you?", EX asked, a small smile on his lips, hidden by his scarf. "I'm gonna finosh up my shift in two hours and then I'll be free to go!", NPG replied on his typical cheerful tone, "Maybe... we could meet up and hang out or something?...", he added the last part shyly, surprising the taller white haired male. "Uhm-- SuRe!", EX answered, his voice cracking slightly.

"Y-you don't have to if you don't want to...", NPG said, disappointment filling his voice as he turned back around to give EX his order. Ex took his order, intentionally putting his hand on NPGs "No, I would love to spend time with you, really,", his ruby red eyes met the warm amber colored eyes of NPG.

"Y-you mean it?", NPG looked up at EX timidly.

"I mean it.", EXs eyes showed that he was smiling underneath his wine red scarf, "Is there anywhere you would like to go?".

"Oh, right, I--"

The two discussed their little meat up sharing loughes while they talked. Exs tea lomg forgotten and cold as he finally left the bakery to prepare everything for the both of them.

Later that day, EX was waiting in the park at the agreed place underneath a giant old oak tree. He had spread out a blanket for them to sit on and next to him was a basket with all kinds of treats as he didn't know which ones NPG would prefer.

While he waited he listed to the singing and chirping of the birds, a slight breeze ruffled through his messy short white hair.

Finally, a petite figure with dirty blomd hair approached him, waving excitedly as he got closer. "Hello Exy!", a wide smile spread across NPGs face. Ex stood up and took a couple of steps towards NPG to greet him.

He was surprised when NPG engulfed him in a big hug, or at least as big as the shorter male could manage, but after a seconde of hesitation he hugged back, a warm feeling spreading through his chest, one he had never felt before.

NPG let go of the hug to look up at EX. Insted of his usual work attire he was wearing a big oversized red hoodie with a small white heart on his chest along with a pair of dark gray skinny jeans and some red sneakers. EX had to admit, NPG looked really cute.

"Thank you!", the blond said with a light pink blush on his cheeks. "Did- Did I just say that out loud?", EX asked embarrassment dying his face a deep red.

His blush tirned from one of embarrassment into one of adoration as a soft giggle escaped NPGs lips. "C-come on, let's sit down, shall we?", EX offered, mentally slapping himself for stuttering again. Why was he being like this? It couldn't possibly be because he likes NPG, right? I mean, EX isn't even gay, or is he?

The two sat down and NPG began to chatter about some random cuatomers at tge bakery, but EX couldn't concentrate properly, his mind was to caught up with this sudden new feeling and a question he had never thought he'd ask himself.

'Am I gay for NPG?'

"Hey," ,EX was broken out of his thoughts by NPG waving his hand infront of EXs face, "Are you still there?". A playful smile made its way onto NPGs face as he saw EXs surprise.

"Uhm, yeah, I- sorry, I waa thinking about something....", EX said hesitantly. NPG leaned forward trying to read the expression on EXs face, "What were you thinking abou?".

EX blushed as he was startled by the sudden invasion of his personal space, but he didn't attempt to get any distance between himself and NPG as he got lost in the others warm and welcoming eyes. "Uh-- I- I was thinking about you."

Now it was NPGs turn to be flustered as EXs words sinked in and he too got lost in the otheers eyes. "You were....?", NPGs voice was quiet bit filled with curiosity and wonder.

"Yeah...", EX didn't know what else to say, to caught up in the moment to think of anything.

Not realising what he was doing, EX bit his hand onto NPGs cheek, brushing hia tumb over his soft skin. NPGs blish intensified as he leand into the touch, never once breaking eye contact with the other.

It was like they were talking without words, knowing what the other was thinking jist by looking at eachother. EX took a short glance at NPGs lips before looking back at his eyes. NPG picked up on this silent request and leaned closer to EX, moving himself up slightly.

EX used his free hamd to pull down his scarf, closing the gap between NPG and himself.

A warm tingling sensation filled their bodies as the kissed, NPG wrapping his arms around EXs neck lightly. EX continied to cup NPGs face.

Neither of them wanted to stop, enjoying this newfound feeling they shared, but sadly they had to separate for air.

They opened their eyes, catching their breath as tgey stared at each other.

"I- I think I love you, NPG,", EX said in a soft voice.

"I love you too, Exy.", NPG replied a gentel smile on his face as he leand in for an other kiss.


1070 words

As I promised, I attempted to write something, take it a a very late Valentines thing, or don't, I do not care.

No proof reading, as usual.

btw, I used EXs appearance from one of my doodle pages 'cause I really like the way he looked AND I gave NPG amber colored eyes to make him more different from Grian (Gri has blue eyes) since he isn't a robot in this one

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btw, I used EXs appearance from one of my doodle pages 'cause I really like the way he looked AND I gave NPG amber colored eyes to make him more different from Grian (Gri has blue eyes) since he isn't a robot in this one. Anyways,

Bye, bye for now my little bees~

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