That's a weird armorstand

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It was another normal day on hermitcraft for Cleo. She was strolling around the shopping district, looking for something to do. While checking her armorstand-scene-shop-thingy (does that place have a proper name?), she finds an order from Grian.

It seems like he finally decided to continue working on his haunted mansion and now he needed some ghosts for it!

Cleo got exited over getting to make a bunch of ghost armor stands! There are so many possibilities! She could make a scary ghost, and a surprised ghost, a cute ghost, a small ghost, a super big ghost--

She started thinking of all the ghosts she could make on her way, and before she knew it, she was already standing infront of the haunted mansion.

She walked in with her shulkerboxes, filled with all the supplies she could ever need, and started working.

She was glad that Grian had removed all the lava for her, otherwise this would have been very difficult.

She was looking around for places to hide the ghosts at, when she found a closet in the corner of one of the rooms.

It had a sigin on its door saying:
"Do not open."

Cleo assumed this was just part of the haunted mansion theme and thought it would be a great idea to put a ghost in the closet.

She expected alot of things, an empty closet, some messy storage, maybe some exposed redstone.

What she didn't expect was a weird armorstand sitting in it.

The armorstand looked exactly like Grian, just a bit shorter and it's eyes were closed.

Cleo was confused to say the least.

Was this suppose to resemple a dead body or something? If so it was missing some blood!

And what better to use as fake blood than redstone?

She started placing some redstone to make it look like blood spaltters. She was so focused on making it look good, that she didn't even realize that some of it was being powerd.

Cleo heard some noises from besides her and freaked out, jumping right out of the closet and slamming the door shut.

She took a couple of seconds to try and calm her breathing. It was impossible that something in there moved. She probably just bumped into the armorstand, right? Right?

"C-could y-y-ou op-pen th-the door?"

Holy Frick--

There is something in there-- scratch that, SOMEONE.

The voice seems familiar, it kinda sounds like Grian's, but distorted and glitchy.

"H-h-ello? Ar-re you st-still there?"

The voice spoke again as Cleo just stood there, staring at the closet door.

She took a deep breath and stepped closer opening the door carefully and jumping back as soon as she saw that weird armorstand-thing that looks like Grian standing up.

"T-Th-Thank you!"

It had an unnatural smile on its face, its eyes now open and glowing slightly in the dark of the haunted mansion.

"What or who are you?", Cleo asked taking another step away.

IT smiled even more as it spoke, rather loudly: "H-HELLO! M-MY NA-NAME IS N-P-C GRI-GRIAN!"

Cleo was once again filled with confusion: "W-What?"


"How did you manage to mess up every word exept rustic house?-- You know what never mind! I'm calling Grian!"

NPC Grian didn't seem to happy at the mention of his creators name. He bolted out of the room and out of the mansion as quickly as he could, escaping out into the dark of the night.

Cleo just stood the looking puzzled. "Grian has alot of explaining to do..."


Hi guys! I finally managed to post something! Sorry that I'm not doing the storys you guys requested. I'm just really out of the loop with writing stuff and need to re-learn how to do it. I don't know if I'll do your requests in the future, since there are alot of them and most of them are very similar to storys that already exist here on wattpad-- whatever, I'll shut up know.

Bye, Bye my little bees~

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