like a clockwork

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The days had blurred together.

Time was no longer something that mattered.

The only thing that mattered now, was finding HIM.

He didn't know how long he had been wandering this empty forest. There were no sounds, no animals, nothing. Even the trees were dead and crippled.

This forest had withered away a long time ago. But that didn't matter for him. Even tho this world was dead and forgotten by time, he continied searching for his friend.

The others said he was dead, that there was no point in looking for him, that it was to dangerous to stumple through this hollow world.

But he kept going, like a clockwork that never stopped.

He kept looking for his friend.

He reached the ruins of his friends kingdom.

The ocean had reclaimed what belonged to it, turning the once pure white towers and walls into nothing more but rubble at the bottom of the sea.

At the edge of the water was an old train station, weathered down and overgrown with moss.

Next to it was a platform, one that his friend had used to bring him to this world.

Where there waa once a beautiful garden of flowers, now towered a portal with a mysterious glow.

He felt something pulling at his soul, something that told him his friend would be at the other side.

He was desperate and tiered, hope had left him long ago, the only thing that kept him going were his instincts. His instincts to keep going, to never stop.

But now, this portal had given back to him what he had lost. Hope.

He took shaky steps towards the portal. The pulling in his chest growing sreonger with every little inch he got closer.

Then it pulled him in.

He was everywhere.

He was nowhere.

He was in the present.

He was in the past.

He was in the future.

And then it stopped.

He could feel the flow of time reclaiming him, he could feel the world spinning.

He looked around. Gigantic white pillers and walls made of glass that let him see the ocean, an ocean filled with life and color.

Then he heard steps, he looked up and couldn't be happier about what he saw.

His friend was there, standing infront of him. Probably just as surprised as he was.

His friend spoke:



There you go,
a short oneshot with less than 400 words.

Bye, bye for now my little bees~

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