What could go wrong? PT. 2

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It had been a few days since Cub and started working on the antidote, but so far nothing seemed to work.

Mumbo was nervously walking back and forth, his cat tail dragging behind him as he was nervously muttering to himself.

"Mumbo, stop mubeling so much and calm down. Cub will find a way to turn us back soon enough."

The three Architechs were standing outside, getting some fresh air.

Iskall had gotten used to the situation and wasn't as angry anymore. Grian had been fine with it since the beginning and was now trying to figure out how to fly with his new wings.

Mumbo on the other hand was a nervous wreck. He had been thinking of way to may worst-case-scenarios to stay calm.

While Iskall and Grian were trying to calm their tall friend down, someone else was flying through the air catching a glimpse of the three figures on the ground.

This person was Scar. He was heading back to th Countryclub to take a break from his duties at area 77, but this was way to interesting to ignore. He got closer and recognized them as the Architechs, but something was different.

They all had animal-like features!

He had behind a conveniently placed bush and contacted Doc. This defiantly was something for area 77.

When Doc arrived they quickly made a plan to catch the three men. Grian had been a target for a longer time now, with him having easily created a working time machine and all that.

They put their plan into motion, and befor the Architechs could react, they were stuck in bags.

Doc and Scar hurried to the closest nether portal and dragged the three men behind them.

As they arrived at area 77, they put each of the Architechs into separate containment units.

This was surely going to be I interesting.


Cub had been working away at the potions and had finaly managed to create an anttidode. Now he just needed to give it to Grian, Iskall and Mumbo.

He headed out of his lab and to the place where the other three had been spending the last couple of days.

Much to his surprise, they were gone.

He looked around to try and find them, but with no luck. As he was looking around the outside he found what looked like someone had been dragging something heavy through the dirt.

'Oh no'

Cub quickly followed the marks on the floor, into the nether portal and all the way to a portal that was close to the mane hermitville portal.

walking through it he quickly realised that he was at area 77.

This must mein that Scar or Doc must have found the Architechs, this wasn't good.

Cub made his way over to one of the main hangars and walked in. He spotted Scar looking at one of many containment cells, in it was Grian with barely enough room to stretch his wings.

Cub walked up to his fellow Vex and tapped him on the shoulder. Scar turned around and a smile placed itself on his face.

"Hello Cub, how can I help you?", Scar had a happy tone to his voice, almost like a kid that got what he wanted for Christmas.

"Uhm, I guess you guys caught all three of the Architechs?", his voice sounded a bit awkward as he spoke.

"Indeed we have! You will not believe it! They turned into animal hybrids, all three of them!"

This wasn't anything new to Cub, but he still was a bit shocked by the exitment in Scars voice.

"Well, yes I know, it was kinda my fault...", Cub told Scar, befor looking over at Grian who seemed to be getting claustrophobic in the small room he was stuck in.

"Your fault???", Scar asked carefully almost like the words he spoke were made of porcelain.

"Yes...", Cub proceeded to explain everything that happend, all the way up to him finally having found an antidote.

"I suppose that means we have to let them go, but?", Scar was a bit disappointed but also didn't want to argue with his best friend.

He lead Cub to each of the containment units that inhabited the Architechs. There they were each given the antidote, after being released.

Once Grian, Iskall and Mumbo had returned to normal, they went home. They didn't want to stay at this place any longer than they had to.

"So...", Scar started and trailed of again befor turning to Cub and looking him in the eyes.

"You don't happen to have another one of those potions, do you?"


And that's it. Maybe I'll play around with this potion in future stories, but for now this will be the end.

Bye, bye for now my little bees~

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