Alien Gremlin

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A loud explosion could be heard across the entire hermitcraft server.

The hermits just arrived in their new season six world and were very startled when a space ship crashed right infront of their portal.

Out of the wreckage, stumbled a short green figure. Said figure looked up at the hermits and looked VERY scared.

"!¡ꖎᒷᔑᓭᒷ ↸𝙹リ'ℸ ̣  ⍑⚍∷ℸ ̣  ᒲᒷ.", the alien creature spoke, it's voice sounding more than just odd.

((translation: Please, don't hurt me.))

"Do any of you guys understand that thing?"

"No do you?"

"What even is it?"

"Is it safe?"

The hermits grew concerned, until their leader, Xisuma, steppes to the front of the group, facing the short green alien.

"╎ℸ ̣  ╎ᓭ ᔑꖎ∷╎⊣⍑ℸ ̣  ∴ᒷ ∴╎ꖎꖎ リ𝙹ℸ ̣  ⍑⚍∷ℸ ̣  ||𝙹⚍."

((translation: It's alright, we won't hurt you.))

The short alien seemed to calm down, it felt safer knowing that at least one of them understood him.

"Wait, you can actualy understand them???", the other hermits were confused, sharing glances and small whispers with each other.

"Yes, they are speaking galactic, an old language that is still used in the void."

"Ooooooh", now the hermits were at least a little less confused. But some of them were still pretty tense.

"I knew that language seemed familiar!", Joe piped up from the back of the group, "Gosh, the little guy must be terrified."


"∴⍑ᔑℸ ̣  ╎ᓭ ||𝙹⚍∷ リᔑᒲᒷ?", X asked with a calm voice, he didn't want to scare the poor little thing even more.

((translation: What is your name?))

"⊣∷╎ᔑリ  ̇/ᒷꖎᑑ⚍ᔑ..."

"It's nice to meet you, Grian"

Gri tilted his head to the side, confused about what the armoured man just said.

- time skip-

A few weeks had passed and the hermits started to build their bases.

They decided to take Grian in as one of their own, seeing as his space ship was destroyed and no one had the knowledge to fix it.

Xisuma and Joe took turns on teaching Gri english and he learned surprisingly quickly, tho it was still very broken.

Mumbo took it upon himself to look after the small green gremlin while X and Joe were busy and managed to befriend him, even if they didn't understand eachother.

The two were spending time next to Mumbos tree house, the tall black haired male was trying his best to tell Grian a joke and make him laugh. Tho the only reaction he got was a confused smile.

All of a sudden, Grian yelled and hid behind Mumbo. Looking at the spot that Gri was sitting in not even a second ago, Mumbo saw a small baby chicken.

He chuckled to himself as he remembered Xisuma telling G that mobs are dangerous, he probably forgot about the peaceful ones.

Mumbo got up and picked the small chicken up, holding it gently in his hands. "It's okay, it's not dangerous."

Grian didn't quite understand what the other had said, but seeing as Mumbo wasn't getting hurt, Gri got a little closer.

He looked into the chickens eyes, they were just as dark as his!

Mumbo took one of Gri's hands and placed the small chicken in it, keeping one of his hands close by to make sure the small creature wouldn't fall.

Grian took a closer look at the chicken and remembered seeing two ladys (Stress and False) petting bigger versions of the thing he was holding.

He used his free hand to replicate the motion of the ladys and pet the chick.

The small ball of feathers seemed to enjoy it, as it was rubbing it's head on Gri's hand.

A smile spread across the aliens face, he likes chickens.


I'm 100% gonna writs more chapters on this AU, it's just so much fun to play around with!

Bye, bye for now my little bees~

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