Glitched AU - notes

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I came up with another AU, but I'm not sure what to call it yet, the name right now is a work in progress, so if you manage to come up with a name while reading the notes, please, please, PLEASE comment your idea. It would be greatly appreciated!

Ok, on to the notes!


World building stuff:

- Watchers exist in this Au, but they aren't evil

- Watchers make sure that no glitches happen, but if they do happen then the Watchers take care of any possible victims of the glitch

-Glitches are similar to a server crashing/freezing, but in this AU the servers are called 'worlds' and the 'Players' aren't aware that there is more than one world

-people/players who are affected by a glitch are taken in by the watchers and brought to a different world: Hermitcraft

-the effects of glitches differ from person to person and are dependent on the situation someone was in while the glitch happened

(Explainations on possible effects of a glich will be given with the individual Hermits)

-when people are affected by a glich, their appearance changes, as most of them turn into hybrids

-hybrids are not natural, they can only be created through glitches

-people who are brought to hermitcraft suffer from partial memory loss, it's like their memories are covered by fog

-some examples to explain the memorie loss thing:

~the person remembers having a family, like a mom a dad and possibly siblings, but they don't remember their names or appearances, they also don't remember their relationships (like if their family liked them or not)

~the persom might remember living away from others, but they don't remember if 'away' meant 100 blocks or 1000 blocks

~they always remember their name, age, birthday and any sicknesses or allergies they might have

-the Watchers erase part of the memories, so that the people they bring to hermitcraft don't have to deal with the pain of being taken away from their home

-the Watchers are constantly working om finding cures for each of the people affected by glitches

-once someone gets cured, they are given back their memories and are given a choice, they can eithergo back to their original home or they can stay in hermitcraft

-if they chose to go home, they are 100% cured and are taken back to their home and all their memories of hermitcraft are replaced with something else (like being lost or losing their memorie and being taken in by other people until they could remember)

-if they chose to stay, their memories will be taken away again and they wake up in their base, feeling like they didn't sleep well or something

-the watchers are the only ones that now about the existence of different worlds/servers

-watchers don't realy have a body, they just create illusions to make it seem like they do, due to that, watchers can look VERY different from one another


Notes on the hermits:


-Ender-Dragon hybrid
-has black patches of skin
-has one purple eye that is surrounded by black skin and one blue eye
-has a dragon tail and small horns, bit no wings
-he is amazing at flying with an elytra

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