Demi Gods AU

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A new season was about to start, all of the hermits were excited to finaly have a new world to explore.

They were split up in groups, talking about the many projects that they wanted to do. Everyone was either making plans or just joking around with eachother.

Until their friendly banter was interrupted by Xisuma asking for everyone's attention.

"As you all know, we are about to enter the server for our new season.", he started his small speech, "But we hat most of you don't know, is that we are getting a new member!". Xisumas voice was filled with excitement, it had been a while since a new hermit had joined them.

"Who is going to join us?", one of the many hermits asked.

"His name is Grian, he is a demi god just like me and a few other hermits."

Whispers and chatter started to fill the air, as the hermits speculated what kind of demi God this new guy could be.

"Now, befor you guys start guessing or creating rumours, Grian is the son of the God of War and Mischief, but don't worry, he is a realy nice guy.", Xisuma tried to calm the other hermits, but the new information seemed to make all the noisiness worse.

Xisuma let out a heavy breath, realizing that he can't calm the others down now. "Let's just get going, Grian is already waiting for us."

The hermits lined up to go through the portal, Xisuma leading them into their new world.

As they were travelling, the hermits began to speak again.

"What do you think he will look like?"

"Probably big and strong, he's most likely a fighter."

"He could also look super scary, I've heard that the God of War looks terrifying!"

This constant chatter drove the hermits closer and closer to the edge. Xisuma could only shake his head at this, he knew they were in for a surprise when they see Grian.

Said man was already waiting infront of the portal, he was very nervous, he knew that there were other demi gods in this group, which scared him a bit. He did try his best to stay calm, but when he heard that the portal was activating, he couldn't help but take a couple of steps back.

The first one to pass through the portal was Xisuma, shortly after him followed the other hermits.

Once all of them had passed through safely, they turned around to look at their newest member.

A thick silence filled the air, as the hermits just stared at Grian.

"H-hi..", Gri mentally slapped himself for stuttering, he wasn't suppose to be so nervous! His father is the God of War for crying out loud!

The hermits were still dumbfounded, they were expecting someone tall and scary looking, not a short boy with dirty blond hair and calming blue eyes. His voice didn't sound very intimidating either...

Xisuma chuckled slightly at the reactions that the hermits were showing. "This is Grian, as I told you guys earlier. He is the son of the God of War and Mischief, and he will be joining us."

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